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- Liberal MPs say they're feeling bullish about the party's electoral prospects, but also say Justin Trudeau's delayed departure leaves little time for a proper leadership race, and for the next leader to prepare for the federal election.
- Liberal MPs say they're feeling bullish about the party's electoral prospects, but also say Justin Trudeau's delayed departure leaves little time for a proper leadership race, and for the next leader to prepare for the federal election.
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- Since Pierre Poilievre is riding high in the polls and his party’s war chest is bursting, does anyone seriously believe the NDP, with its relatively meagre resources, has the firepower to effectively degrade the Tory leader’s brand? Nope.
- Since Pierre Poilievre is riding high in the polls and his party’s war chest is bursting, does anyone seriously believe the NDP, with its relatively meagre resources, has the firepower to effectively degrade the Tory leader’s brand? Nope.
- Recent reports from the Parliamentary Budget Office found that a universal pharmacare program could cost both provincial and federal governments $11.2-billion in its first year, while the federal deficit is already projected to grow to $46.5-billion next year.
- Recent reports from the Parliamentary Budget Office found that a universal pharmacare program could cost both provincial and federal governments $11.2-billion in its first year, while the federal deficit is already projected to grow to $46.5-billion next year.
- The federal NDP is focused on lessons from recent successful election campaigns, on-the-ground organizing, and reminding Canadians they are responsible for dental care, while hoping to also claim responsibility for a new pharmacare program.
- The federal NDP is focused on lessons from recent successful election campaigns, on-the-ground organizing, and reminding Canadians they are responsible for dental care, while hoping to also claim responsibility for a new pharmacare program.
- 'If Canada truly believes in international law, we call it out every time it's broken. It doesn't matter the context,' says NDP MP Heather McPherson.
- 'If Canada truly believes in international law, we call it out every time it's broken. It doesn't matter the context,' says NDP MP Heather McPherson.
- New Democrats unanimously endorsed a resolution Saturday evening that would see the party 'publicly declare' that continued support for the government through its supply-and-confidence agreement 'is contingent' on 'universal, comprehensive and entirely public pharmacare.' But minutes after the resolution passed, Jagmeet Singh would not say whether he would back out of the deal if the NDP doesn't get what it wants.
- New Democrats unanimously endorsed a resolution Saturday evening that would see the party 'publicly declare' that continued support for the government through its supply-and-confidence agreement 'is contingent' on 'universal, comprehensive and entirely public pharmacare.' But minutes after the resolution passed, Jagmeet Singh would not say whether he would back out of the deal if the NDP doesn't get what it wants.
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