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- With weekly hauls seeking donations of up to $1,725 and that kind of cash coming in, Pierre Poilievre will able to keep spending without being subject to the limits on advertising that kick in once an election is called.
- With weekly hauls seeking donations of up to $1,725 and that kind of cash coming in, Pierre Poilievre will able to keep spending without being subject to the limits on advertising that kick in once an election is called.
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- The Conservatives have already started their pre-election communications strategy and are well-funded to keep it going. If the government wants to remain in the game, it needs to get in the game.
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- As his party’s numbers climb, Pierre Poilievre has to be careful to appeal to voters leery of social conservatism.
- Pierre Poilievre has been trying to keep things cool at the convention, with good reason. This is his clan's first gathering in five years, and likely their last national confab before a federal election where they're hoping their guy will win.
- Pierre Poilievre has been trying to keep things cool at the convention, with good reason. This is his clan's first gathering in five years, and likely their last national confab before a federal election where they're hoping their guy will win.
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