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- Plus, Chief Justice Richard Wagner will preside over welcome ceremony for new judge Mary T. Moreau, Jenni Byrne sends Valentine's Day, Yves-François Blanchet encourages everyone to love themselves; and Jodi White, first woman chief of staff to a prime minister, dies of cancer, age 77.
- Given the strategic importance of having strong representation from Quebec in a potential Poilievre government, the Conservative leader's wife is now likely to be centre stage in the province.
- Given the strategic importance of having strong representation from Quebec in a potential Poilievre government, the Conservative leader's wife is now likely to be centre stage in the province.
- If a Conservative Party supporter gets the idea that all the polls are showing his leader is going to win the next election, he’d be more likely to give a big financial donation, since that’d seem like a good investment.
- If a Conservative Party supporter gets the idea that all the polls are showing his leader is going to win the next election, he’d be more likely to give a big financial donation, since that’d seem like a good investment.
- I’m not saying 'Pierremania' will sweep Canada the way 'Trudeaumania' did in the 1960s or the way 'Justinmania' did in 2015. But no one will ever call Pierre Poilievre dull.
- I’m not saying 'Pierremania' will sweep Canada the way 'Trudeaumania' did in the 1960s or the way 'Justinmania' did in 2015. But no one will ever call Pierre Poilievre dull.
- Former Tory campaign director Fred DeLorey says Liberals have made a ‘huge strategic mistake’ by allowing Poilievre to define himself first.
- Former Tory campaign director Fred DeLorey says Liberals have made a ‘huge strategic mistake’ by allowing Poilievre to define himself first.
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