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- We have a shrill war against the mildest environmental remedies from the right, a plodding agenda from the Liberals, a vanished Green Party, and an NDP that needs to shake off its lethargy and, perhaps, its likable, but lacklustre, leader. It all amounts to a large, dangerous vacancy at the top. If Poilievre ends up filling it, we will be well and truly fried.
- We have a shrill war against the mildest environmental remedies from the right, a plodding agenda from the Liberals, a vanished Green Party, and an NDP that needs to shake off its lethargy and, perhaps, its likable, but lacklustre, leader. It all amounts to a large, dangerous vacancy at the top. If Poilievre ends up filling it, we will be well and truly fried.
- When things cost more, people conserve. When energy costs more, they cut back on use. When transportation costs more, people’s driving habits change.
- When things cost more, people conserve. When energy costs more, they cut back on use. When transportation costs more, people’s driving habits change.
- We need a strong federal government with provincial co-operation to protect Canadians and to build community resilience. Pierre Trudeau lamented that the feds must not be the headwaiter to the provinces. Ottawa has since taken on concierge and shoe-shine services as well, writes Elizabeth May.
- We need a strong federal government with provincial co-operation to protect Canadians and to build community resilience. Pierre Trudeau lamented that the feds must not be the headwaiter to the provinces. Ottawa has since taken on concierge and shoe-shine services as well, writes Elizabeth May.
- The climate emergency is, among all those urgent and important priorities, the only one where it can be said: 'If we fail, nothing will matter,' writes Elizabeth May.
- The climate emergency is, among all those urgent and important priorities, the only one where it can be said: 'If we fail, nothing will matter,' writes Elizabeth May.
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