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- The bigger pipeline now provides Canadian oil shippers with nearly 600,000 barrels per day of new capacity. But the delayed and costly project raises major climate concerns for environmental advocates.
- The bigger pipeline now provides Canadian oil shippers with nearly 600,000 barrels per day of new capacity. But the delayed and costly project raises major climate concerns for environmental advocates.
- Being better on climate policy than the Official Opposition is too low a bar for a confidence vote.
- Being better on climate policy than the Official Opposition is too low a bar for a confidence vote.
- The government gave at least $18.553-billion in financial support in 2023 to fossil fuel and petrochemical firms, including $8-billion worth of loan guarantees for the TransMountain pipeline, $7.339-billion in public financing through Export Development Canada, and over $1.3-billion for carbon capture and storage projects, according to the reports.
- The government gave at least $18.553-billion in financial support in 2023 to fossil fuel and petrochemical firms, including $8-billion worth of loan guarantees for the TransMountain pipeline, $7.339-billion in public financing through Export Development Canada, and over $1.3-billion for carbon capture and storage projects, according to the reports.
- Failure to act on the climate emergency increases our costs, from extreme weather events costing billions of dollars each year, to inflation driven in part by climate events that destroy crops and reduce yields.
- Failure to act on the climate emergency increases our costs, from extreme weather events costing billions of dollars each year, to inflation driven in part by climate events that destroy crops and reduce yields.
- The nearly-completed line is too big to fail and too buried in debt to make a profit before the climate catastrophe makes the conversation moot.
- The nearly-completed line is too big to fail and too buried in debt to make a profit before the climate catastrophe makes the conversation moot.
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