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- As they fight for votes, Liberals can no longer rely on ‘polished, top-down’ TV ads to compete with the Conservatives' ‘organic online long game,’ says EOK Consults' Harneet Singh.
- As they fight for votes, Liberals can no longer rely on ‘polished, top-down’ TV ads to compete with the Conservatives' ‘organic online long game,’ says EOK Consults' Harneet Singh.
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- If Bill C-65 passes, the chief electoral officer must report on ways to implement a three-day voting period, and on the feasibility of allowing electors to cast their vote at any polling station in their riding by 2029.
- If Bill C-65 passes, the chief electoral officer must report on ways to implement a three-day voting period, and on the feasibility of allowing electors to cast their vote at any polling station in their riding by 2029.
- Advocacy groups representing workers and businesses are ramping up outreach to MPs to discuss Bill C-58 as the House resumes.
- Advocacy groups representing workers and businesses are ramping up outreach to MPs to discuss Bill C-58 as the House resumes.
- The Liberals need to reconnect with issues that impact voters' everyday lives, says pollster Greg Lyle, but the clock is ticking.
- The Liberals need to reconnect with issues that impact voters' everyday lives, says pollster Greg Lyle, but the clock is ticking.
- Tory pundit Jordan Paquet says that so long as Conservatives can keep the affordability ball in the Liberals' court, they can box out the Grits' latest political wedge play with Bill C-58.
- Tory pundit Jordan Paquet says that so long as Conservatives can keep the affordability ball in the Liberals' court, they can box out the Grits' latest political wedge play with Bill C-58.
- The federal NDP is focused on lessons from recent successful election campaigns, on-the-ground organizing, and reminding Canadians they are responsible for dental care, while hoping to also claim responsibility for a new pharmacare program.
- The federal NDP is focused on lessons from recent successful election campaigns, on-the-ground organizing, and reminding Canadians they are responsible for dental care, while hoping to also claim responsibility for a new pharmacare program.
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