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More News
- At least five Liberal MPs are expected to be promoted to cabinet in the long-awaited change of Prime Minister Justin Trudeau's senior ranks on Friday.
- At least five Liberal MPs are expected to be promoted to cabinet in the long-awaited change of Prime Minister Justin Trudeau's senior ranks on Friday.
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- The Green Party has previously been criticized for calling for Canada to push for peace talks and a negotiated solution to Russia's invasion of Ukraine.
- The Green Party has previously been criticized for calling for Canada to push for peace talks and a negotiated solution to Russia's invasion of Ukraine.
- Russian Ambassador Oleg Stepanov says two attacks on Engels air base ‘can be viewed’ as meeting the conditions where his nation could use nuclear weapons.
- Russian Ambassador Oleg Stepanov says two attacks on Engels air base ‘can be viewed’ as meeting the conditions where his nation could use nuclear weapons.
- Canada's past work as a champion in the fight to ban landmines in the 1990s should guide Ottawa's approach to nuclear disarmament, say advocates.
- Canada's past work as a champion in the fight to ban landmines in the 1990s should guide Ottawa's approach to nuclear disarmament, say advocates.
- Elizabeth May's running mate Jonathan Pedneault says he does not plan to seek a seat before the next general election, at which time he will run in his home province of Quebec.
- Elizabeth May's running mate Jonathan Pedneault says he does not plan to seek a seat before the next general election, at which time he will run in his home province of Quebec.
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