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- Liberal leadership candidate Chrystia Freeland, who spent the morning of Trump's second inauguration doing an interview with CP24's morning show, said Canada needs to be strong, smart and united. 'The key is not to be scared.'
- Liberal leadership candidate Chrystia Freeland, who spent the morning of Trump's second inauguration doing an interview with CP24's morning show, said Canada needs to be strong, smart and united. 'The key is not to be scared.'
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- If we could get an extra five percentage points of the Canadian Pension Plan and other institutional pools of capital currently flowing into foreign markets diverted to the future Canadian economy, that could mean billions more dollars each year for investment in domestic enterprise, jobs, and high-value exports.
- If we could get an extra five percentage points of the Canadian Pension Plan and other institutional pools of capital currently flowing into foreign markets diverted to the future Canadian economy, that could mean billions more dollars each year for investment in domestic enterprise, jobs, and high-value exports.
- If we can unlock the finance sector's engine to create a better world, we can realize a sustainable, equitable future. Sector leaders have already taken action, but the federal government holds the keys to this potential. It should use them.
- If we can unlock the finance sector's engine to create a better world, we can realize a sustainable, equitable future. Sector leaders have already taken action, but the federal government holds the keys to this potential. It should use them.
- A new government bill would expand the mandates of the Nova Scotia and Newfoundland offshore oil regulators, a move the government says will unlock investment for offshore wind, but which has environmental groups concerned.
- A new government bill would expand the mandates of the Nova Scotia and Newfoundland offshore oil regulators, a move the government says will unlock investment for offshore wind, but which has environmental groups concerned.
- The $15-billion fund will be the Liberals’ latest attempt to use public money to entice pension funds and private capital to invest in the government’s priorities.
- The $15-billion fund will be the Liberals’ latest attempt to use public money to entice pension funds and private capital to invest in the government’s priorities.
- Pollution and climate change continue to threaten both natural habitats—and the animals and plants that live in them—and our communities and health.
- Pollution and climate change continue to threaten both natural habitats—and the animals and plants that live in them—and our communities and health.
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