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- It appears that neither Russia nor the NATO-supplied and -trained Armed Forces of Ukraine have the capability to deliver a heavy enough knock-out blow that would end this war any time soon.
- It appears that neither Russia nor the NATO-supplied and -trained Armed Forces of Ukraine have the capability to deliver a heavy enough knock-out blow that would end this war any time soon.
- Russian President Vladimir Putin really needs to avoid countries that belong to the ICC and have domestic courts that enforce the rule of law.
- Russian President Vladimir Putin really needs to avoid countries that belong to the ICC and have domestic courts that enforce the rule of law.
- The failed rebellion portends that Putin will lose his grip on power, that Russia could become even more of a pariah rogue state, and that its military could redeploy forces from the southern front in the Ukraine conflict around Moscow, well distant from a potential second front based in Belarus.
- The failed rebellion portends that Putin will lose his grip on power, that Russia could become even more of a pariah rogue state, and that its military could redeploy forces from the southern front in the Ukraine conflict around Moscow, well distant from a potential second front based in Belarus.
- Would it be worth the West’s while to more clearly explain what its real bottom line is in Ukraine? Probably not. Nobody in the developing countries would believe it, even though it's true.
- Would it be worth the West’s while to more clearly explain what its real bottom line is in Ukraine? Probably not. Nobody in the developing countries would believe it, even though it's true.
- Recent allegations of Chinese interference in our democratic institutions have added to the complex interplay of ethnicity and politics in Canada. There is an echo here of Igor Gouzenko’s revelations of Soviet espionage in Canada in 1946, which led to the imprisonment of a Jewish Polish-born Communist MP, writes Nelson Wiseman.
- Recent allegations of Chinese interference in our democratic institutions have added to the complex interplay of ethnicity and politics in Canada. There is an echo here of Igor Gouzenko’s revelations of Soviet espionage in Canada in 1946, which led to the imprisonment of a Jewish Polish-born Communist MP, writes Nelson Wiseman.
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