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- The tech billionaire and Trump confidante has recently attacked incumbent governments in Canada, the U.K., and Germany, prompting Heritage Minister Pascale St-Onge to warn that 'we need to do everything in our power to defend and protect Canada.'
- The tech billionaire and Trump confidante has recently attacked incumbent governments in Canada, the U.K., and Germany, prompting Heritage Minister Pascale St-Onge to warn that 'we need to do everything in our power to defend and protect Canada.'
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- It’s ‘critical’ that the federal government put in place strict conditions in the ongoing negotiations about Canada Health Transfer to ensure provinces don’t open the door to for-profit health-care providers, Liberal MP Judy Sgro says.
- It’s ‘critical’ that the federal government put in place strict conditions in the ongoing negotiations about Canada Health Transfer to ensure provinces don’t open the door to for-profit health-care providers, Liberal MP Judy Sgro says.
- Under Nicholson’s plan, the CHT would be abolished. Instead, corporate and personal income tax points, or HST points, equivalent to the $43-billion CHT could be transferred to the provinces, allowing them to increase provincial tax rates and revenues, while federal taxes would be reduced by the equivalent amount so there should be no increase in the overall level of taxes paid by Canadians.
- Under Nicholson’s plan, the CHT would be abolished. Instead, corporate and personal income tax points, or HST points, equivalent to the $43-billion CHT could be transferred to the provinces, allowing them to increase provincial tax rates and revenues, while federal taxes would be reduced by the equivalent amount so there should be no increase in the overall level of taxes paid by Canadians.
- Provincial opposition, though understandable, maintains an outdated status quo which puts lives at risk while making it difficult for administrators to understand what needs remedying.
- Provincial opposition, though understandable, maintains an outdated status quo which puts lives at risk while making it difficult for administrators to understand what needs remedying.
- This could be a make-or-break year for health care.
- This could be a make-or-break year for health care.
- Having let the health system reach a state of near collapse where patients run the risk of dying in emergency rooms, the premiers are determined to shift the blame to the federal government.
- Having let the health system reach a state of near collapse where patients run the risk of dying in emergency rooms, the premiers are determined to shift the blame to the federal government.
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