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- If we had pride in our country and its place in the world, we would be leading the way in the transition to a new global order, just as we played key roles in designing the postwar system in 1945. But we're more worried about pleasing the U.S. than in working for something better.
- If we had pride in our country and its place in the world, we would be leading the way in the transition to a new global order, just as we played key roles in designing the postwar system in 1945. But we're more worried about pleasing the U.S. than in working for something better.
- If Canada wants to be useful in the world, we should be a champion for multilateralism, as we once were.
- If Canada wants to be useful in the world, we should be a champion for multilateralism, as we once were.
- To move forward on the trade of critical minerals between Canada and the U.K. in a 'constructive way,' Minister David Rutley says he is 'personally learning' the importance of including Indigenous Peoples in that dialogue.
- To move forward on the trade of critical minerals between Canada and the U.K. in a 'constructive way,' Minister David Rutley says he is 'personally learning' the importance of including Indigenous Peoples in that dialogue.
- If, as Canadians, we want to make a serious contribution to a better world, rather than sounding like an echo for U.S. interests, our government could focus much more on working to restore a healthy and forward-looking multilateralism.
- If, as Canadians, we want to make a serious contribution to a better world, rather than sounding like an echo for U.S. interests, our government could focus much more on working to restore a healthy and forward-looking multilateralism.
- We shouldn't have to wait for another global crisis to halt this geo-economic march to folly. But that seems to be our fate in the absence of far-seeing global leadership. So much for the 2020s.
- We shouldn't have to wait for another global crisis to halt this geo-economic march to folly. But that seems to be our fate in the absence of far-seeing global leadership. So much for the 2020s.
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