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- Liberal leadership candidate Chrystia Freeland, who spent the morning of Trump's second inauguration doing an interview with CP24's morning show, said Canada needs to be strong, smart and united. 'The key is not to be scared.'
- Liberal leadership candidate Chrystia Freeland, who spent the morning of Trump's second inauguration doing an interview with CP24's morning show, said Canada needs to be strong, smart and united. 'The key is not to be scared.'
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- Conservative Leader Pierre Poilievre 'has made the judgment that they need friendly media outlets to get their message across,' said reporter Justin Ling.
- Conservative Leader Pierre Poilievre 'has made the judgment that they need friendly media outlets to get their message across,' said reporter Justin Ling.
- Glen McGregor says Pierre Poilievre’s approach 'resonates with a certain constituency who distrust the media,' and 'some of that is imported from the Trump era in the United States.'
- Glen McGregor says Pierre Poilievre’s approach 'resonates with a certain constituency who distrust the media,' and 'some of that is imported from the Trump era in the United States.'
- It should be an opposition caucus member, but not the leader, that looks at the classified annex, says former Tory staffer Andrew House.
- It should be an opposition caucus member, but not the leader, that looks at the classified annex, says former Tory staffer Andrew House.
- '[Poilievre] thinks this is a winning issue, and when he puts it out on social media, he's seeing in the response that a lot of people are agreeing with him,' says Summa Strategies' Daniel Perry.
- '[Poilievre] thinks this is a winning issue, and when he puts it out on social media, he's seeing in the response that a lot of people are agreeing with him,' says Summa Strategies' Daniel Perry.
- Deputy Conservative Leader Melissa Lantsman says once the party begins rolling out policies that will form part of its campaign platform for the next federal election, Pierre Poilievre will be making himself more available to the press gallery. But the official opposition leader has not completely shut out some journalists.
- Deputy Conservative Leader Melissa Lantsman says once the party begins rolling out policies that will form part of its campaign platform for the next federal election, Pierre Poilievre will be making himself more available to the press gallery. But the official opposition leader has not completely shut out some journalists.
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