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- Shock Horror! Anthropocene Cancelled! We’re back in the Holocene! Man the Pumps!
- Shock Horror! Anthropocene Cancelled! We’re back in the Holocene! Man the Pumps!
- We’re not in the Holocene any more. That golden age of warm, stable climate in which humans started farming, grew their population a thousandfold, and created high-energy, hi-tech civilizations is at an end.
- We’re not in the Holocene any more. That golden age of warm, stable climate in which humans started farming, grew their population a thousandfold, and created high-energy, hi-tech civilizations is at an end.
- Last month, it was worst off the eastern coast of North America where the sea surface temperature was as much as 13.8 Celsius higher than the 1981-2011 average for this time of year. Not only was that a record; it was an astounding leap upwards: more than double the previous record.
- Last month, it was worst off the eastern coast of North America where the sea surface temperature was as much as 13.8 Celsius higher than the 1981-2011 average for this time of year. Not only was that a record; it was an astounding leap upwards: more than double the previous record.
- Two new things on the climate front, and both bad news. Hurricanes used to be like drive-by shootings: one pass, one hit, and then gone. Now they’re starting to come back for a second hit.
- Two new things on the climate front, and both bad news. Hurricanes used to be like drive-by shootings: one pass, one hit, and then gone. Now they’re starting to come back for a second hit.
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