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- 'Our assumptions about continued trade with the U.S. have to be re-evaluated,' says Vina Nadjibulla of the Asia Pacific Foundation of Canada.
- 'Our assumptions about continued trade with the U.S. have to be re-evaluated,' says Vina Nadjibulla of the Asia Pacific Foundation of Canada.
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- If Pierre Poilievre becomes prime minister at the next election, a key test for his success and populism will be if he keeps the interest of the little guy at heart as John Diefenbaker did, says Globe and Mail writer-at-large and author John Ibbitson.
- If Pierre Poilievre becomes prime minister at the next election, a key test for his success and populism will be if he keeps the interest of the little guy at heart as John Diefenbaker did, says Globe and Mail writer-at-large and author John Ibbitson.
- An upstart political party shouldn’t be seen as just another piece to move around the gameboard, but as a vehicle for new ideas, approaches and priorities.
- An upstart political party shouldn’t be seen as just another piece to move around the gameboard, but as a vehicle for new ideas, approaches and priorities.
- ‘We're talking about a centre that is the point of the arrow,’ not ‘taking a sprinkle of Tory policies and a dash of Liberal ones, and mixing them into some sort of bland paste,’ says Dominic Cardy, interim leader of Canadian Future.
- ‘We're talking about a centre that is the point of the arrow,’ not ‘taking a sprinkle of Tory policies and a dash of Liberal ones, and mixing them into some sort of bland paste,’ says Dominic Cardy, interim leader of Canadian Future.
- Former Tory campaign director Fred DeLorey says Liberals have made a ‘huge strategic mistake’ by allowing Poilievre to define himself first.
- Former Tory campaign director Fred DeLorey says Liberals have made a ‘huge strategic mistake’ by allowing Poilievre to define himself first.
- One area where the Liberal government has seriously under-performed is in foreign affairs and defence.
- One area where the Liberal government has seriously under-performed is in foreign affairs and defence.
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