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- Like Israel, Canada was built on the dispossession and forced removal of Indigenous peoples from their lands. It is Canada that is best positioned to understand that truth must come before reconciliation if it wants to demonstrate that it has learned from its history with First Nations.
- Like Israel, Canada was built on the dispossession and forced removal of Indigenous peoples from their lands. It is Canada that is best positioned to understand that truth must come before reconciliation if it wants to demonstrate that it has learned from its history with First Nations.
- Canada can make clear that the lives of Palestinians and Israelis are equally valuable, and that both are entitled to dignity, freedom, and protection from violence.
- Canada can make clear that the lives of Palestinians and Israelis are equally valuable, and that both are entitled to dignity, freedom, and protection from violence.
- Irrespective of the pulls of domestic politics or the pushes of foreign allies, Justin Trudeau's only priority should be the safe return of all Canadians stranded in Gaza.
- Irrespective of the pulls of domestic politics or the pushes of foreign allies, Justin Trudeau's only priority should be the safe return of all Canadians stranded in Gaza.
- Two realities are undeniable: first, occupation is the epitome of injustice. No amount of political, economic, military, or media rationale can alter its definition in history's eyes. Second, these actions will inevitably be recorded in history. It's essential that we stand on the right side of history, and the sooner we do, the better.
- Two realities are undeniable: first, occupation is the epitome of injustice. No amount of political, economic, military, or media rationale can alter its definition in history's eyes. Second, these actions will inevitably be recorded in history. It's essential that we stand on the right side of history, and the sooner we do, the better.
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