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- ‘Once is chance, twice is a coincidence, and three times a pattern,’ says former Liberal Party staffer Greg MacEachern.
- ‘Once is chance, twice is a coincidence, and three times a pattern,’ says former Liberal Party staffer Greg MacEachern.
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- Senior Tory operatives’ claims of racist tactics by the Liberals in June 19 byelection is to deflect blame for parachuting a candidate into the riding, says rival nomination candidate Deborah Tait.
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- Canada's more than two million firearms owners will be voting as a block in the next election based on their united opposition to Trudeau’s new firearms laws. And given the tiny margins that determine which party forms government, the Liberals should be worried, writes former Conservative MP Robert Sopuck.
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- The Oxford, Ont., nomination race is getting testy with contestant Rick Roth describing Arpan Khanna as a ‘parachute candidate from Brampton’ and Khanna accusing Roth of ‘telling lies.' Candidate Deborah Tait, meanwhile, is urging the Conservative Party to protect the voting process.
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