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- Food price volatility will likely persist as long as Russia puts the global food supply under stress, aggravating the global cost-of-living crisis, particularly for vulnerable people in developing nations.
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- The decisive factor in shaping this war has been the relatively small number of troops engaged on either side
- What makes the war ‘unwinnable’ in Russian eyes (and most other peoples’ as well) is the perception created by a series of spectacular Ukrainian victories. That is what drives the growing power struggle in Moscow, and reduces Russian interest in Ukraine to a level where an outcome satisfactory for Ukraine is now imaginable.
- What makes the war ‘unwinnable’ in Russian eyes (and most other peoples’ as well) is the perception created by a series of spectacular Ukrainian victories. That is what drives the growing power struggle in Moscow, and reduces Russian interest in Ukraine to a level where an outcome satisfactory for Ukraine is now imaginable.
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