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- Liberal leadership candidate Chrystia Freeland, who spent the morning of Trump's second inauguration doing an interview with CP24's morning show, said Canada needs to be strong, smart and united. 'The key is not to be scared.'
- Liberal leadership candidate Chrystia Freeland, who spent the morning of Trump's second inauguration doing an interview with CP24's morning show, said Canada needs to be strong, smart and united. 'The key is not to be scared.'
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- Meanwhile, Conservative MP Michelle Rempel Garner runs away from questions about her thoughts on the leader's position, and other Tory MPs, including Scott Aitchison, the party's critic on this issue, say they have no comment.
- Meanwhile, Conservative MP Michelle Rempel Garner runs away from questions about her thoughts on the leader's position, and other Tory MPs, including Scott Aitchison, the party's critic on this issue, say they have no comment.
- Former NDP strategist Cam Holmstrom asks 'how many good people are we losing from the public space' because of such scenes.
- Former NDP strategist Cam Holmstrom asks 'how many good people are we losing from the public space' because of such scenes.
- Launching a caucus instead of a committee has ‘far fewer’ logistical hurdles, which is vital because ‘time is not on our side,’ said ISG Senator Colin Deacon.
- Launching a caucus instead of a committee has ‘far fewer’ logistical hurdles, which is vital because ‘time is not on our side,’ said ISG Senator Colin Deacon.
- Adapting security resources and supports for MPs is an 'ongoing process' says Public Safety Minister Marco Mendicino who has had a death threat. NDP MP Charlie Angus, who had a stalker, says he doesn’t find the resources available to him as an MP to be of much use. Many MPs agree.
- Adapting security resources and supports for MPs is an 'ongoing process' says Public Safety Minister Marco Mendicino who has had a death threat. NDP MP Charlie Angus, who had a stalker, says he doesn’t find the resources available to him as an MP to be of much use. Many MPs agree.
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