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- Statistics Canada's recent data shows that productivity in the business sector fell in the second quarter, marking the fifth successive quarter in which our productivity fell.
- Statistics Canada's recent data shows that productivity in the business sector fell in the second quarter, marking the fifth successive quarter in which our productivity fell.
- We have underinvested in intangible and tangible assets, been slow to recognize the implications of a digital world, and neglected the importance of building up Canadian companies with their own intellectual property.
- We have underinvested in intangible and tangible assets, been slow to recognize the implications of a digital world, and neglected the importance of building up Canadian companies with their own intellectual property.
- With a deal unlikely anytime soon, delaying a possible digital sales tax deprives Canada of billions of dollars in much-needed tax revenues. It is the United States that's the problem here.
- With a deal unlikely anytime soon, delaying a possible digital sales tax deprives Canada of billions of dollars in much-needed tax revenues. It is the United States that's the problem here.
- If, as Canadians, we want to make a serious contribution to a better world, rather than sounding like an echo for U.S. interests, our government could focus much more on working to restore a healthy and forward-looking multilateralism.
- If, as Canadians, we want to make a serious contribution to a better world, rather than sounding like an echo for U.S. interests, our government could focus much more on working to restore a healthy and forward-looking multilateralism.
- The Trudeau government is pushing for a branch-plant economy with key business decisions for our economic future made elsewhere, while the wealth generated from these activities in Canada flows out of the country.
- The Trudeau government is pushing for a branch-plant economy with key business decisions for our economic future made elsewhere, while the wealth generated from these activities in Canada flows out of the country.
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