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- Liberal leadership candidate Chrystia Freeland, who spent the morning of Trump's second inauguration doing an interview with CP24's morning show, said Canada needs to be strong, smart and united. 'The key is not to be scared.'
- Liberal leadership candidate Chrystia Freeland, who spent the morning of Trump's second inauguration doing an interview with CP24's morning show, said Canada needs to be strong, smart and united. 'The key is not to be scared.'
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- Canada's insurance agencies addressed 228,000 claims in July and August, a 20-year high, after natural disasters and extreme weather tore through parts of the country.
- Canada's insurance agencies addressed 228,000 claims in July and August, a 20-year high, after natural disasters and extreme weather tore through parts of the country.
- Last year marked a tipping point in Canada's ongoing battle with climate change. The degree of devastation experienced across the nation was unprecedented, both in scale and intensity.
- Last year marked a tipping point in Canada's ongoing battle with climate change. The degree of devastation experienced across the nation was unprecedented, both in scale and intensity.
- As drought continues across much of Western Canada, governments at all levels are preparing for a potential repeat of last year’s record-breaking wildfire season.
- As drought continues across much of Western Canada, governments at all levels are preparing for a potential repeat of last year’s record-breaking wildfire season.
- The past season demonstrated challenges of the status quo fire management system in preparing for and dealing with wildfire conditions exacerbated by climate change, says Dr. Mike Flannigan, while the federal government has launched a plan to fund the training of 1,000 firefighters.
- The past season demonstrated challenges of the status quo fire management system in preparing for and dealing with wildfire conditions exacerbated by climate change, says Dr. Mike Flannigan, while the federal government has launched a plan to fund the training of 1,000 firefighters.
- Climate adaptation in Canada and around the world is 'chronically underfunded,' according to a recent Canadian Climate Institute report on climate adaptation infrastructure.
- Climate adaptation in Canada and around the world is 'chronically underfunded,' according to a recent Canadian Climate Institute report on climate adaptation infrastructure.
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