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- The Online Harms Act would create room for the government to step in to the mess that is online forums, where people can hurl hate speech at each other with impunity.
- The Online Harms Act would create room for the government to step in to the mess that is online forums, where people can hurl hate speech at each other with impunity.
- The federal government has a central role to play in combating online antisemitism, and legislation can be delayed no longer. Such a law should establish an independent regulator to ensure impartial decisions about what constitutes online hate.
- The federal government has a central role to play in combating online antisemitism, and legislation can be delayed no longer. Such a law should establish an independent regulator to ensure impartial decisions about what constitutes online hate.
- According to Statistics Canada, members of the Jewish community were the target of 55 per cent of all religiously motivated hate crimes, although accounting for only about one per cent of the population.
- According to Statistics Canada, members of the Jewish community were the target of 55 per cent of all religiously motivated hate crimes, although accounting for only about one per cent of the population.
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