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- Billionaire tech CEO Elon Musk's endorsement is a 'double-edged sword,' according to pollster Nik Nanos.
- Billionaire tech CEO Elon Musk's endorsement is a 'double-edged sword,' according to pollster Nik Nanos.
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- When a watershed is healthy and maintained, it can minimize climate change risk, support local wildlife populations, clean drinking water, and increase disaster resiliency.
- When a watershed is healthy and maintained, it can minimize climate change risk, support local wildlife populations, clean drinking water, and increase disaster resiliency.
- And Chrystia Freeland and local MP Kody Blois have reviewed the devastation from Nova Scotia’s once-in-a-thousand-year rainstorm.
- And Chrystia Freeland and local MP Kody Blois have reviewed the devastation from Nova Scotia’s once-in-a-thousand-year rainstorm.
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- ‘They have created a completely different new riding on both west and east sides, and now there’s no public input process,’ says NDP MP Richard Cannings of the final changes proposed to his riding.
- If the Liberals keep delaying on disaster mitigation and prevention, our coastal environment will become more hostile.
- If the Liberals keep delaying on disaster mitigation and prevention, our coastal environment will become more hostile.
- Almost no part of Canada’s transportation network is immune to the potential for floods or wildfires, blizzards or hurricanes or tornados, that snarl and kink and sever the supply chains that are supposed to bind and unite us.
- Almost no part of Canada’s transportation network is immune to the potential for floods or wildfires, blizzards or hurricanes or tornados, that snarl and kink and sever the supply chains that are supposed to bind and unite us.
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