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- Climate change impacts have a high price tag. The Canadian Climate Institute has estimated that key climate change impacts are already costing households in Canada roughly $720 per year.
- Climate change impacts have a high price tag. The Canadian Climate Institute has estimated that key climate change impacts are already costing households in Canada roughly $720 per year.
- Federal leaders need to prioritize health as a key factor in environmental decision-making, and honour commitments to reduce emissions to help doctors keep patients healthy.
- Federal leaders need to prioritize health as a key factor in environmental decision-making, and honour commitments to reduce emissions to help doctors keep patients healthy.
- The sad truth is that the refrigerant gases helping us adapt to climate change are themselves a leading driver of the crisis. Effective rules and enforcement is needed to keep this sleeping giant of a climate threat on ice.
- The sad truth is that the refrigerant gases helping us adapt to climate change are themselves a leading driver of the crisis. Effective rules and enforcement is needed to keep this sleeping giant of a climate threat on ice.
- There is a clear path forward for the federal government out of their carbon tax mess if it offers a new income-targeted retrofit program to all provinces and all fuel types.
- There is a clear path forward for the federal government out of their carbon tax mess if it offers a new income-targeted retrofit program to all provinces and all fuel types.
- We need a strong health-centred approach in the federal government’s efforts to mitigate and adapt to global heating.
- We need a strong health-centred approach in the federal government’s efforts to mitigate and adapt to global heating.
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