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- The tech billionaire and Trump confidante has recently attacked incumbent governments in Canada, the U.K., and Germany, prompting Heritage Minister Pascale St-Onge to warn that 'we need to do everything in our power to defend and protect Canada.'
- The tech billionaire and Trump confidante has recently attacked incumbent governments in Canada, the U.K., and Germany, prompting Heritage Minister Pascale St-Onge to warn that 'we need to do everything in our power to defend and protect Canada.'
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- As the government grapples with the repercussions of the ArriveCan debacle, industry experts say over-scrutiny in the process will likely slow down business.
- As the government grapples with the repercussions of the ArriveCan debacle, industry experts say over-scrutiny in the process will likely slow down business.
- Antonio Utano, a director-general at the Canada Revenue Agency, and Cameron MacDonald, an assistant deputy minister at Health Canada, have been suspended without pay over contract misconduct allegations and had their security clearance revoked as the ArriveCan debacle unfolded.
- Antonio Utano, a director-general at the Canada Revenue Agency, and Cameron MacDonald, an assistant deputy minister at Health Canada, have been suspended without pay over contract misconduct allegations and had their security clearance revoked as the ArriveCan debacle unfolded.
- The maintenance of the existing ArriveCan application costs just under $3-million annually.
- The maintenance of the existing ArriveCan application costs just under $3-million annually.
- In the final part of The Hill Times' series on the fourth anniversary of COVID-19, Minister Anita Anand reflects on her role in the global race for PPE and vaccines, and precinct staff highlight the unequal impact the transition to a virtual Parliament had on essential employees.
- In the final part of The Hill Times' series on the fourth anniversary of COVID-19, Minister Anita Anand reflects on her role in the global race for PPE and vaccines, and precinct staff highlight the unequal impact the transition to a virtual Parliament had on essential employees.
- GC Strategies was the primary contractor for the procurement of the ArriveCan app, and received an estimated $19.1-million for its work, which did not involve the app's actual development or maintenance.
- GC Strategies was the primary contractor for the procurement of the ArriveCan app, and received an estimated $19.1-million for its work, which did not involve the app's actual development or maintenance.
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