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- Billionaire tech CEO Elon Musk's endorsement is a 'double-edged sword,' according to pollster Nik Nanos.
- Billionaire tech CEO Elon Musk's endorsement is a 'double-edged sword,' according to pollster Nik Nanos.
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- MediaSmarts executive director Kathryn Hill urges parliamentarians and all Canadians be trained to identify trusted sources, but in a way that focuses on 'discernment over just debunking.'
- MediaSmarts executive director Kathryn Hill urges parliamentarians and all Canadians be trained to identify trusted sources, but in a way that focuses on 'discernment over just debunking.'
- Big tech firms are no longer seen as ‘the darlings of industry and commerce,’ as they once were, said Aengus Bridgman of the Media Ecosystem Observatory.
- Big tech firms are no longer seen as ‘the darlings of industry and commerce,’ as they once were, said Aengus Bridgman of the Media Ecosystem Observatory.
- The current information landscape is a feedback loop where 'you come for the ideology, and you stay despite the science-free lunacy,’ says health misinformation expert Timothy Caulfield.
- The current information landscape is a feedback loop where 'you come for the ideology, and you stay despite the science-free lunacy,’ says health misinformation expert Timothy Caulfield.
- As federal, provincial/territorial discussions on health care proceed over the next months, it is necessary that they include how to effectively identify and address health misinformation.
- As federal, provincial/territorial discussions on health care proceed over the next months, it is necessary that they include how to effectively identify and address health misinformation.
- Wastewater surveillance projects at international airports and across the country are a 'smoke alarm' for variants of concern, but experts say sustainable infrastructure is needed to better prepare for future pandemics.
- Wastewater surveillance projects at international airports and across the country are a 'smoke alarm' for variants of concern, but experts say sustainable infrastructure is needed to better prepare for future pandemics.
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