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- Conservatives will employ negative ads to get their message across even though the polls indicate they are well ahead in the race. This is a little surprising since the 'book' says if your party is way out front, you should probably stick to positive messaging.
- Conservatives will employ negative ads to get their message across even though the polls indicate they are well ahead in the race. This is a little surprising since the 'book' says if your party is way out front, you should probably stick to positive messaging.
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- Justin Trudeau and the carbon tax are intertwined, and his political unpopularity is putting the whole concept of a carbon tax on death’s door.
- Given how we’re in the season of peace, love and joy, it pains to say that we need to brace ourselves as a country for an incoming storm of political negativity.
- Given how we’re in the season of peace, love and joy, it pains to say that we need to brace ourselves as a country for an incoming storm of political negativity.
- Now I’m not arguing Justin Trudeau can’t make a comeback. It’d be difficult, but doable. But for him to succeed, he can’t just rely on Pierre Poilievre to fail.
- Now I’m not arguing Justin Trudeau can’t make a comeback. It’d be difficult, but doable. But for him to succeed, he can’t just rely on Pierre Poilievre to fail.
- Be ready for combat once you enter the political arena, because no matter how nice you are, someone will always find a way to attack you.
- Be ready for combat once you enter the political arena, because no matter how nice you are, someone will always find a way to attack you.
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