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- Antonio Utano, a director-general at the Canada Revenue Agency, and Cameron MacDonald, an assistant deputy minister at Health Canada, have been suspended without pay over contract misconduct allegations and had their security clearance revoked as the ArriveCan debacle unfolded.
- Antonio Utano, a director-general at the Canada Revenue Agency, and Cameron MacDonald, an assistant deputy minister at Health Canada, have been suspended without pay over contract misconduct allegations and had their security clearance revoked as the ArriveCan debacle unfolded.
- Government departments can invest to overcome technology shortfalls, improve cloud deployment, strengthen cybersecurity, and save millions of dollars in the process.
- Government departments can invest to overcome technology shortfalls, improve cloud deployment, strengthen cybersecurity, and save millions of dollars in the process.
- Modernizing how the federal government operates is as critical to citizens and businesses as it is complex for its senior officials to deliver.
- Modernizing how the federal government operates is as critical to citizens and businesses as it is complex for its senior officials to deliver.
- Parliamentarians and all Canadians must reaffirm the importance of the digital shift, and make a non-partisan effort to keep up pressuring the government to continue investing and moving ahead.
- Parliamentarians and all Canadians must reaffirm the importance of the digital shift, and make a non-partisan effort to keep up pressuring the government to continue investing and moving ahead.
- In this age of turbulence, governments must act as catalysts for change and provide direction for the citizens they serve.
- In this age of turbulence, governments must act as catalysts for change and provide direction for the citizens they serve.
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