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- The House Board of Internal Economy is set to strike a new subcommittee to oversee the administration’s planned strategic review.
- The House Board of Internal Economy is set to strike a new subcommittee to oversee the administration’s planned strategic review.
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- There's a lot of political posturing on the asylum seekers and parties seem content to appeal to their bases instead of offering policy solutions.
- There's a lot of political posturing on the asylum seekers and parties seem content to appeal to their bases instead of offering policy solutions.
- Reports alleging U.S. officials are facilitating migrant travel from New York City to near Roxham Road show the political climate in regards to immigrants has drastically changed since the agreement was signed in 2002, says University of Ottawa Professor Jamie Chai Yun Liew.
- Reports alleging U.S. officials are facilitating migrant travel from New York City to near Roxham Road show the political climate in regards to immigrants has drastically changed since the agreement was signed in 2002, says University of Ottawa Professor Jamie Chai Yun Liew.
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