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- The efforts making the most progress is an attempt at ‘assisted’ evolution. It’s really a glorified form of selective breeding, choosing the most heat-resistant of each generation of coral polyps as the parents of the next.
- The efforts making the most progress is an attempt at ‘assisted’ evolution. It’s really a glorified form of selective breeding, choosing the most heat-resistant of each generation of coral polyps as the parents of the next.
- The world crossed the threshold into +1.2° about two years ago, and the general assumption was that we would stay in that zone for at least the next five years. But 2023 ended up at around +1.4°, with huge wildfires, massive floods, and storms, killer heat waves—and Jim Hansen says 2024, with the El Niño boost, will be much worse.
- The world crossed the threshold into +1.2° about two years ago, and the general assumption was that we would stay in that zone for at least the next five years. But 2023 ended up at around +1.4°, with huge wildfires, massive floods, and storms, killer heat waves—and Jim Hansen says 2024, with the El Niño boost, will be much worse.
- As Jim Lovelock said in his book, Novacene, AGI would perceive human beings the same way as we see plants. However, human beings and AGI have no vital interests that obviously clash, and one existential shared interest: the preservation of a habitable climate on the planet we share.
- As Jim Lovelock said in his book, Novacene, AGI would perceive human beings the same way as we see plants. However, human beings and AGI have no vital interests that obviously clash, and one existential shared interest: the preservation of a habitable climate on the planet we share.
- Since the rise of agriculture, humans have increased the mass of animal life on land fourfold, but wild animals now account for only four per cent of that biomass.
- Since the rise of agriculture, humans have increased the mass of animal life on land fourfold, but wild animals now account for only four per cent of that biomass.
- ‘Farm-free’ food for people will come later, but the basic elements can be combined to suit human tastes too. In the future, if one of these catastrophes should strike, we can just switch from feeding the animals to feeding ourselves. We weren’t even looking for it, and we’re getting free survival insurance.
- ‘Farm-free’ food for people will come later, but the basic elements can be combined to suit human tastes too. In the future, if one of these catastrophes should strike, we can just switch from feeding the animals to feeding ourselves. We weren’t even looking for it, and we’re getting free survival insurance.
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