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- Even with her 15 years of experience as a staffer, Marci Surkes says the recent ‘tumult and volatility’ is ‘up there in terms of periods of extreme change.’
- Even with her 15 years of experience as a staffer, Marci Surkes says the recent ‘tumult and volatility’ is ‘up there in terms of periods of extreme change.’
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- At the upcoming United Nations climate summit in Dubai, the Canadian government has both the responsibility and the credibility to lay out the costs of climate inaction.
- At the upcoming United Nations climate summit in Dubai, the Canadian government has both the responsibility and the credibility to lay out the costs of climate inaction.
- Canada must transition off of fossil fuels, which are exacerbating wildfires, according to the David Suzuki Foundation.
- Canada must transition off of fossil fuels, which are exacerbating wildfires, according to the David Suzuki Foundation.
- The Canada Electricity Advisory Council has a one-year mandate to advise on achieving the federal government’s target of net-zero emissions in the electricity sector by 2035.
- The Canada Electricity Advisory Council has a one-year mandate to advise on achieving the federal government’s target of net-zero emissions in the electricity sector by 2035.
- LNG distracts Canada from a zero-emissions future, jeopardizing its commitments to a cleaner, prosperous economy.
- LNG distracts Canada from a zero-emissions future, jeopardizing its commitments to a cleaner, prosperous economy.
- As society and technology are decarbonizing in sync, financiers are falling behind while some politicians still argue about the efficiency of carbon pricing.
- As society and technology are decarbonizing in sync, financiers are falling behind while some politicians still argue about the efficiency of carbon pricing.
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