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- As they fight for votes, Liberals can no longer rely on ‘polished, top-down’ TV ads to compete with the Conservatives' ‘organic online long game,’ says EOK Consults' Harneet Singh.
- As they fight for votes, Liberals can no longer rely on ‘polished, top-down’ TV ads to compete with the Conservatives' ‘organic online long game,’ says EOK Consults' Harneet Singh.
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- We only lack the political will to remove jurisdictional obstacles that hold us back from ensuring that Canada’s electricity grid is smart and integrated.
- We only lack the political will to remove jurisdictional obstacles that hold us back from ensuring that Canada’s electricity grid is smart and integrated.
- The federal government is doing a bad enough job with the fossil fuel file without Smith urging them to more folly. Scientists have known for almost 200 years that CO2 was going to eventually cause destructive changes to our atmosphere. Trying to delay action for decades more is a crime against humanity.
- The federal government is doing a bad enough job with the fossil fuel file without Smith urging them to more folly. Scientists have known for almost 200 years that CO2 was going to eventually cause destructive changes to our atmosphere. Trying to delay action for decades more is a crime against humanity.
- The province’s energy plan does not set a timeline for phasing out fossil fuels from its electricity grid, says one environmental advocate.
- The province’s energy plan does not set a timeline for phasing out fossil fuels from its electricity grid, says one environmental advocate.
- Without nuclear energy, we would be dependent on much dirtier energy sources, like coal or natural gas.
- Without nuclear energy, we would be dependent on much dirtier energy sources, like coal or natural gas.
- Carbon capture and storage is a wasteful and expensive green-washing program.
- Carbon capture and storage is a wasteful and expensive green-washing program.
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