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- As they fight for votes, Liberals can no longer rely on ‘polished, top-down’ TV ads to compete with the Conservatives' ‘organic online long game,’ says EOK Consults' Harneet Singh.
- As they fight for votes, Liberals can no longer rely on ‘polished, top-down’ TV ads to compete with the Conservatives' ‘organic online long game,’ says EOK Consults' Harneet Singh.
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- To stay in office, Benjamin Netanyahu must continue the war until some sort of ‘victory,' so he cannot possibly compromise with Hamas’ demands. That’s why he is now determined to attack Rafah, Gaza's last relatively intact city. It’s no Stalingrad, but symbolically it serves his purposes well enough.
- To stay in office, Benjamin Netanyahu must continue the war until some sort of ‘victory,' so he cannot possibly compromise with Hamas’ demands. That’s why he is now determined to attack Rafah, Gaza's last relatively intact city. It’s no Stalingrad, but symbolically it serves his purposes well enough.
- It was just that the state of Israel retaliate against Hamas after the terrorists’ Oct. 7 assault. It is not just that Israel wage a war of such disproportionate aggression.
- It was just that the state of Israel retaliate against Hamas after the terrorists’ Oct. 7 assault. It is not just that Israel wage a war of such disproportionate aggression.
- Canada should call for an immediate and permanent ceasefire, as well as an unrestricted UN probe into potential war crimes in Gaza, ensuring accountability and justice.
- Canada should call for an immediate and permanent ceasefire, as well as an unrestricted UN probe into potential war crimes in Gaza, ensuring accountability and justice.
- While respectful of the right to demonstrate, a Liberal MP says their staff have been subjected to intimidating and foul language as well as instances of physical assault during a demonstration inside a constituency office.
- While respectful of the right to demonstrate, a Liberal MP says their staff have been subjected to intimidating and foul language as well as instances of physical assault during a demonstration inside a constituency office.
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