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- Justin Trudeau ‘showed a lot of honesty’ when outlining his plans to step down, says former Liberal staffer Olivier Cullen. But former Conservative staffer Mitch Heimpel says Trudeau was ‘embodying every criticism made of him for the last 10 years.’
- Justin Trudeau ‘showed a lot of honesty’ when outlining his plans to step down, says former Liberal staffer Olivier Cullen. But former Conservative staffer Mitch Heimpel says Trudeau was ‘embodying every criticism made of him for the last 10 years.’
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- The results of an Angus Reid Institute survey last month found that slightly more than half of Canadians said they don’t want Canada to continue as a constitutional monarchy, and the same percentage believe that Charles will be a worse monarch than his mother.
- The results of an Angus Reid Institute survey last month found that slightly more than half of Canadians said they don’t want Canada to continue as a constitutional monarchy, and the same percentage believe that Charles will be a worse monarch than his mother.
- A ceremony will be held in Ottawa for the coronation of King Charles III on May 6, which will begin a new chapter in Canada’s history, according to Prime Minister Justin Trudeau.
- A ceremony will be held in Ottawa for the coronation of King Charles III on May 6, which will begin a new chapter in Canada’s history, according to Prime Minister Justin Trudeau.
- The bottom line of this latest royal train-wreck? The real problem is that the British constitutional monarchy is based on an idea that is antithetical to democracy. Which is why so many countries have rejected the British monarchy, and why Canada should seriously revisit this outdated arrangement, this national hangover from colonial times.
- The bottom line of this latest royal train-wreck? The real problem is that the British constitutional monarchy is based on an idea that is antithetical to democracy. Which is why so many countries have rejected the British monarchy, and why Canada should seriously revisit this outdated arrangement, this national hangover from colonial times.
- There can’t be many more birthdays for Queen Elizabeth. When the sad arithmetic of age catches up to this sturdy figurehead, the burning question amongst royal gossips will be who will occupy the Big Chair, known in the Windsor family, and to television audiences around the world, as the Throne.
- There can’t be many more birthdays for Queen Elizabeth. When the sad arithmetic of age catches up to this sturdy figurehead, the burning question amongst royal gossips will be who will occupy the Big Chair, known in the Windsor family, and to television audiences around the world, as the Throne.
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