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- Even with her 15 years of experience as a staffer, Marci Surkes says the recent ‘tumult and volatility’ is ‘up there in terms of periods of extreme change.’
- Even with her 15 years of experience as a staffer, Marci Surkes says the recent ‘tumult and volatility’ is ‘up there in terms of periods of extreme change.’
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- What Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is doing at the moment is systematically crossing the ‘red line’ laid down by Israel’s most dangerous enemies: Iran, and its proxy in Lebanon, Hezbollah.
- What Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is doing at the moment is systematically crossing the ‘red line’ laid down by Israel’s most dangerous enemies: Iran, and its proxy in Lebanon, Hezbollah.
- U.S. President Joe Biden rightly despises Israel's Benjamin Netanyahu as a person, and yet he refuses to call time on him because he's still romantically entangled with Israel. That could cost him next November’s presidential election and give us all four more years of President Donald Trump.
- U.S. President Joe Biden rightly despises Israel's Benjamin Netanyahu as a person, and yet he refuses to call time on him because he's still romantically entangled with Israel. That could cost him next November’s presidential election and give us all four more years of President Donald Trump.
- If Hezbollah should be drawn into the war too, we might all be in trouble. It’s still true that Israel cannot lose this war: the local military balance is overwhelmingly in its favour. But it could get hurt badly enough to panic if things go sideways for a while, and the people in charge politically in Jerusalem will be looking for a decisive victory to rinse away their recent sins of omission. That makes them dangerous.
- If Hezbollah should be drawn into the war too, we might all be in trouble. It’s still true that Israel cannot lose this war: the local military balance is overwhelmingly in its favour. But it could get hurt badly enough to panic if things go sideways for a while, and the people in charge politically in Jerusalem will be looking for a decisive victory to rinse away their recent sins of omission. That makes them dangerous.
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