Stories, Myths & Truths
- The sad fact is that all border treaty discussions between Britain—and then Canada—with the United States did not include Indigenous Peoples.
- The sad fact is that all border treaty discussions between Britain—and then Canada—with the United States did not include Indigenous Peoples.
- The sad fact is that all border treaty discussions between Britain—and then Canada—with the United States did not include Indigenous Peoples.
- In times of crisis, don’t disrespect the original peoples of this country by bringing up some racist historical figure in a misguided attempt to
- In times of crisis, don’t disrespect the original peoples of this country by bringing up some racist historical figure in a misguided attempt to
- In times of crisis, don’t disrespect the original peoples of this country by bringing up some racist historical figure in a misguided attempt to
- It's obvious that the goal of this tyrannous Trump administration is to break government and democracy. There won’t be any 'going back.' We need

- It's obvious that the goal of this tyrannous Trump administration is to break government and democracy. There won’t be any 'going back.' We need
- It's obvious that the goal of this tyrannous Trump administration is to break government and democracy. There won’t be any 'going back.' We need

- When Canadians have pride in each other, we are unstoppable because of the strength of our shared sense of spirit.
- When Canadians have pride in each other, we are unstoppable because of the strength of our shared sense of spirit.
- When Canadians have pride in each other, we are unstoppable because of the strength of our shared sense of spirit.
- When Trump says no more DEI, it’s about his need for America to be seen as great, to whitewash its history of any bad
- When Trump says no more DEI, it’s about his need for America to be seen as great, to whitewash its history of any bad
- When Trump says no more DEI, it’s about his need for America to be seen as great, to whitewash its history of any bad
- What if we've all let this happen by allowing the staggering growth of the shadow cabinet of political insiders in the Prime Minister’s Office,
- What if we've all let this happen by allowing the staggering growth of the shadow cabinet of political insiders in the Prime Minister’s Office,
- What if we've all let this happen by allowing the staggering growth of the shadow cabinet of political insiders in the Prime Minister’s Office,
- Reconciliation demands legitimacy in our national Indigenous organizations.
- Reconciliation demands legitimacy in our national Indigenous organizations.
- Reconciliation demands legitimacy in our national Indigenous organizations.
- Stop the ever-expanding shadow civil service called the minister’s office staff, and please stop fighting in court against the rights of Indigenous Peoples.

- Stop the ever-expanding shadow civil service called the minister’s office staff, and please stop fighting in court against the rights of Indigenous Peoples.
- Stop the ever-expanding shadow civil service called the minister’s office staff, and please stop fighting in court against the rights of Indigenous Peoples.

- Come January, we will no longer have a trustworthy neighbour. ‘Chaos’ best describes what might happen south of the border for the next four years,

- Come January, we will no longer have a trustworthy neighbour. ‘Chaos’ best describes what might happen south of the border for the next four years,
- Come January, we will no longer have a trustworthy neighbour. ‘Chaos’ best describes what might happen south of the border for the next four years,

- In a time of fear and legitimate risks from too many parts of the world, we need political leaders who ethically refuse to use
- In a time of fear and legitimate risks from too many parts of the world, we need political leaders who ethically refuse to use
- In a time of fear and legitimate risks from too many parts of the world, we need political leaders who ethically refuse to use
- Canada needs a museum that tells the Indigenous history no-holds-barred, and shares the Indigenous art and culture with pride.
- Canada needs a museum that tells the Indigenous history no-holds-barred, and shares the Indigenous art and culture with pride.
- Canada needs a museum that tells the Indigenous history no-holds-barred, and shares the Indigenous art and culture with pride.
- The residential schools system was a genocide, and Indigenous Peoples don't need more hatred today. For the love of this country, all political party
- The residential schools system was a genocide, and Indigenous Peoples don't need more hatred today. For the love of this country, all political party
- The residential schools system was a genocide, and Indigenous Peoples don't need more hatred today. For the love of this country, all political party
- On this National Day of Reconciliation, we need police in Canada to make a historic apology for the loss of Indigenous lives at their

- On this National Day of Reconciliation, we need police in Canada to make a historic apology for the loss of Indigenous lives at their
- On this National Day of Reconciliation, we need police in Canada to make a historic apology for the loss of Indigenous lives at their

- It’s time we stopped the embarrassed and awkward bystanding when politicians blather nonsense and conspiracies.
- It’s time we stopped the embarrassed and awkward bystanding when politicians blather nonsense and conspiracies.
- It’s time we stopped the embarrassed and awkward bystanding when politicians blather nonsense and conspiracies.
- The sentencing of a serial killer to concurrent life sentences breached the strong resistance in this country to punish those who commit crimes against
- The sentencing of a serial killer to concurrent life sentences breached the strong resistance in this country to punish those who commit crimes against
- The sentencing of a serial killer to concurrent life sentences breached the strong resistance in this country to punish those who commit crimes against
- This September and on this National Day of Reconciliation, take the time to consider the amount of expertise in Indigenous communities, the strength to
- This September and on this National Day of Reconciliation, take the time to consider the amount of expertise in Indigenous communities, the strength to
- This September and on this National Day of Reconciliation, take the time to consider the amount of expertise in Indigenous communities, the strength to
- All the signs are there for the rise of fascism. The angst is that we see it coming like a hurricane. The question remaining
- All the signs are there for the rise of fascism. The angst is that we see it coming like a hurricane. The question remaining
- All the signs are there for the rise of fascism. The angst is that we see it coming like a hurricane. The question remaining
- Indigenous rights are for Indigenous Peoples.

- Indigenous rights are for Indigenous Peoples.
- Indigenous rights are for Indigenous Peoples.

- Ottawa will be known as the town that stalled reconciliation in Canada for a generation.
- Ottawa will be known as the town that stalled reconciliation in Canada for a generation.
- Ottawa will be known as the town that stalled reconciliation in Canada for a generation.
- Dawson Creek has become the last stop before people who go missing. Four people have gone missing from this small town in the last year. Two

- Dawson Creek has become the last stop before people who go missing. Four people have gone missing from this small town in the last year. Two
- Dawson Creek has become the last stop before people who go missing. Four people have gone missing from this small town in the last year. Two

- Going forward, mainstream governments need to stop talking to questionable self-proclaiming Indigenous groups.
- Going forward, mainstream governments need to stop talking to questionable self-proclaiming Indigenous groups.
- Going forward, mainstream governments need to stop talking to questionable self-proclaiming Indigenous groups.
- Last week's disgraceful incident in the House should have all federal elected officials hanging their heads in shame. Just how did you let it get

- Last week's disgraceful incident in the House should have all federal elected officials hanging their heads in shame. Just how did you let it get
- Last week's disgraceful incident in the House should have all federal elected officials hanging their heads in shame. Just how did you let it get

- If MPs felt the same fear that Indigenous peoples do when they see an RCMP officer, maybe—just maybe—we’d see some urgency.
- If MPs felt the same fear that Indigenous peoples do when they see an RCMP officer, maybe—just maybe—we’d see some urgency.
- If MPs felt the same fear that Indigenous peoples do when they see an RCMP officer, maybe—just maybe—we’d see some urgency.
- Jokes about murderers and the real risks to Indigenous women is not comedy, it’s monetized hate speech.

- Jokes about murderers and the real risks to Indigenous women is not comedy, it’s monetized hate speech.
- Jokes about murderers and the real risks to Indigenous women is not comedy, it’s monetized hate speech.

- When we talk about the elimination of racism, health care and mental health should be at the top of the list in order to

- When we talk about the elimination of racism, health care and mental health should be at the top of the list in order to
- When we talk about the elimination of racism, health care and mental health should be at the top of the list in order to

- Indigenous Peoples see the hypocrisy of land acknowledgments without any work to back them up. Don’t stop affirming Indigenous Peoples at the start of meetings,
- Indigenous Peoples see the hypocrisy of land acknowledgments without any work to back them up. Don’t stop affirming Indigenous Peoples at the start of meetings,
- Indigenous Peoples see the hypocrisy of land acknowledgments without any work to back them up. Don’t stop affirming Indigenous Peoples at the start of meetings,
- The health centre in Churchill, Man., is the community’s heart and soul, and some say it's the reason the community has had no suicides
- The health centre in Churchill, Man., is the community’s heart and soul, and some say it's the reason the community has had no suicides
- The health centre in Churchill, Man., is the community’s heart and soul, and some say it's the reason the community has had no suicides
- There are reconciliation expectations on governments, Crown corporations and all citizen-serving entities. Some are actually legal requirements—ensure the safety of Indigenous workers and leaders. Some
- There are reconciliation expectations on governments, Crown corporations and all citizen-serving entities. Some are actually legal requirements—ensure the safety of Indigenous workers and leaders. Some
- There are reconciliation expectations on governments, Crown corporations and all citizen-serving entities. Some are actually legal requirements—ensure the safety of Indigenous workers and leaders. Some
- If we don’t do the heavy lifting of fundamental change in the RCMP, we are condemning more Indigenous people to high-risk interactions with the

- If we don’t do the heavy lifting of fundamental change in the RCMP, we are condemning more Indigenous people to high-risk interactions with the
- If we don’t do the heavy lifting of fundamental change in the RCMP, we are condemning more Indigenous people to high-risk interactions with the

- What are some take-aways to deal with such a mix of good news and incredibly challenging incidents that seem to take us a step
- What are some take-aways to deal with such a mix of good news and incredibly challenging incidents that seem to take us a step
- What are some take-aways to deal with such a mix of good news and incredibly challenging incidents that seem to take us a step
- At least New Zealand had the guts to talk about real change.

- At least New Zealand had the guts to talk about real change.
- At least New Zealand had the guts to talk about real change.

- This year will also be about growing recognition that First Nations, Inuit, and Métis peoples are doing some amazing things that benefit all Canadians. This

- This year will also be about growing recognition that First Nations, Inuit, and Métis peoples are doing some amazing things that benefit all Canadians. This
- This year will also be about growing recognition that First Nations, Inuit, and Métis peoples are doing some amazing things that benefit all Canadians. This

- Policing in Canada has a racism problem, and it’s the white elephant that will keep coming back again and again.

- Policing in Canada has a racism problem, and it’s the white elephant that will keep coming back again and again.
- Policing in Canada has a racism problem, and it’s the white elephant that will keep coming back again and again.

- Beware of any checklist or simplistic approach to defining identity. Indigenous identity is complicated.

- Beware of any checklist or simplistic approach to defining identity. Indigenous identity is complicated.
- Beware of any checklist or simplistic approach to defining identity. Indigenous identity is complicated.

- Bill C-29 is finally in discussion. But a National Council of Reconciliation, set up as a non-profit, will lack the teeth to demand accountability.

- Bill C-29 is finally in discussion. But a National Council of Reconciliation, set up as a non-profit, will lack the teeth to demand accountability.
- Bill C-29 is finally in discussion. But a National Council of Reconciliation, set up as a non-profit, will lack the teeth to demand accountability.

- The galling backdrop to this inquiry is that we haven’t named the foundational belief that underpins this whole thing. If it were thousands of

- The galling backdrop to this inquiry is that we haven’t named the foundational belief that underpins this whole thing. If it were thousands of
- The galling backdrop to this inquiry is that we haven’t named the foundational belief that underpins this whole thing. If it were thousands of

- OTTAWA—Where are all the Indigenous women in c-suite offices? In a sample of more than 21,000 women in leadership positions in corporate Canada, fewer

- OTTAWA—Where are all the Indigenous women in c-suite offices? In a sample of more than 21,000 women in leadership positions in corporate Canada, fewer
- OTTAWA—Where are all the Indigenous women in c-suite offices? In a sample of more than 21,000 women in leadership positions in corporate Canada, fewer