Post Partisan Pundit
- My point is, given how the Liberals essentially 'own' anti-American-style nationalism, it’ll be difficult for the Conservatives to exploit anti-Trump feeling. Difficult, but not impossible.
- My point is, given how the Liberals essentially 'own' anti-American-style nationalism, it’ll be difficult for the Conservatives to exploit anti-Trump feeling. Difficult, but not impossible.
- My point is, given how the Liberals essentially 'own' anti-American-style nationalism, it’ll be difficult for the Conservatives to exploit anti-Trump feeling. Difficult, but not impossible.
- It’s hard to see how Jagmeet Singh can overcome this no-win scenario. Of course, Captain Kirk beat the Kobayashi Maru test, but he cheated.
- It’s hard to see how Jagmeet Singh can overcome this no-win scenario. Of course, Captain Kirk beat the Kobayashi Maru test, but he cheated.
- It’s hard to see how Jagmeet Singh can overcome this no-win scenario. Of course, Captain Kirk beat the Kobayashi Maru test, but he cheated.
- Only time will tell if this new plan survives contact with the enemy.
- Only time will tell if this new plan survives contact with the enemy.
- Only time will tell if this new plan survives contact with the enemy.
- Bad economics sometimes makes for good politics.
- Bad economics sometimes makes for good politics.
- Bad economics sometimes makes for good politics.
- Chrystia Freeland should have vacated the scene for a while, put some distance between herself and the prime minister, and then she could have
- Chrystia Freeland should have vacated the scene for a while, put some distance between herself and the prime minister, and then she could have
- Chrystia Freeland should have vacated the scene for a while, put some distance between herself and the prime minister, and then she could have
- This is why I always tell activists, if you want to stay true to your cause, stay out of partisan politics.
- This is why I always tell activists, if you want to stay true to your cause, stay out of partisan politics.
- This is why I always tell activists, if you want to stay true to your cause, stay out of partisan politics.
- With Trump's return and the Liberals’ sagging poll numbers, that brand of progressivism seems to be a spent force. This is why the party will
- With Trump's return and the Liberals’ sagging poll numbers, that brand of progressivism seems to be a spent force. This is why the party will
- With Trump's return and the Liberals’ sagging poll numbers, that brand of progressivism seems to be a spent force. This is why the party will
- Panama’s president met Trump’s threats with defiance, declaring 'we will all unite under our Panamanian flag.' That’s the way of politics: nationalism on one side
- Panama’s president met Trump’s threats with defiance, declaring 'we will all unite under our Panamanian flag.' That’s the way of politics: nationalism on one side
- Panama’s president met Trump’s threats with defiance, declaring 'we will all unite under our Panamanian flag.' That’s the way of politics: nationalism on one side
- When anxiety is the population’s dominant emotion, voters want leaders who show strength instead of empathy, toughness instead of sensitivity. Trudeau’s political fragility is
- When anxiety is the population’s dominant emotion, voters want leaders who show strength instead of empathy, toughness instead of sensitivity. Trudeau’s political fragility is
- When anxiety is the population’s dominant emotion, voters want leaders who show strength instead of empathy, toughness instead of sensitivity. Trudeau’s political fragility is
- My Christmas conspiracy theory is that Prime Minister Justin Trudeau decided—long before his dramatic split with former cabinet minister Chrystia Freeland—to resign his position,
- My Christmas conspiracy theory is that Prime Minister Justin Trudeau decided—long before his dramatic split with former cabinet minister Chrystia Freeland—to resign his position,
- My Christmas conspiracy theory is that Prime Minister Justin Trudeau decided—long before his dramatic split with former cabinet minister Chrystia Freeland—to resign his position,
- Those public opinion polls you see on TV and in newspapers are only the tip of the iceberg. Most of the polling action is actually
- Those public opinion polls you see on TV and in newspapers are only the tip of the iceberg. Most of the polling action is actually
- Those public opinion polls you see on TV and in newspapers are only the tip of the iceberg. Most of the polling action is actually
- In the years ahead, we can expect Conservative populism, Liberal pragmatism, and NDP contemplation.
- In the years ahead, we can expect Conservative populism, Liberal pragmatism, and NDP contemplation.
- In the years ahead, we can expect Conservative populism, Liberal pragmatism, and NDP contemplation.
- What does all this joy-versus-anger stuff teach us? If you’re going to campaign solely on emotion, make sure that it's in sync with the public
- What does all this joy-versus-anger stuff teach us? If you’re going to campaign solely on emotion, make sure that it's in sync with the public
- What does all this joy-versus-anger stuff teach us? If you’re going to campaign solely on emotion, make sure that it's in sync with the public
- If the Conservatives see their poll numbers dropping, they’ll quickly respond by increasing their own ad buys and intensifying their attacks on the Liberals.

- If the Conservatives see their poll numbers dropping, they’ll quickly respond by increasing their own ad buys and intensifying their attacks on the Liberals.
- If the Conservatives see their poll numbers dropping, they’ll quickly respond by increasing their own ad buys and intensifying their attacks on the Liberals.

- In short, the U.S. election results may help the Liberals, but it won’t be their political salvation.
- In short, the U.S. election results may help the Liberals, but it won’t be their political salvation.
- In short, the U.S. election results may help the Liberals, but it won’t be their political salvation.
- On top of everything else, the Liberals are losing the ability to set the national agenda as the NDP and Bloc Québécois are continually

- On top of everything else, the Liberals are losing the ability to set the national agenda as the NDP and Bloc Québécois are continually
- On top of everything else, the Liberals are losing the ability to set the national agenda as the NDP and Bloc Québécois are continually

- Part of playing the game in politics is working to keep persuading the public about your policies' benefits. By the way, this is a
- Part of playing the game in politics is working to keep persuading the public about your policies' benefits. By the way, this is a
- Part of playing the game in politics is working to keep persuading the public about your policies' benefits. By the way, this is a
- The Bloc Québécois has suddenly emerged as a force in this country, a force that can’t be ignored.
- The Bloc Québécois has suddenly emerged as a force in this country, a force that can’t be ignored.
- The Bloc Québécois has suddenly emerged as a force in this country, a force that can’t be ignored.
- The NDP’s fundraising numbers have been stagnant lately, and maybe Singh thought a little uncertainty would help.
- The NDP’s fundraising numbers have been stagnant lately, and maybe Singh thought a little uncertainty would help.
- The NDP’s fundraising numbers have been stagnant lately, and maybe Singh thought a little uncertainty would help.
- I’d suggest Pierre Poilievre likely knew Jagmeet Singh would inevitably cancel the deal with the Liberals this fall, which is why he ran his
- I’d suggest Pierre Poilievre likely knew Jagmeet Singh would inevitably cancel the deal with the Liberals this fall, which is why he ran his
- I’d suggest Pierre Poilievre likely knew Jagmeet Singh would inevitably cancel the deal with the Liberals this fall, which is why he ran his
- The real mystery isn’t whether or not the prime minister will stay, it’s whether or not his base will leave.
- The real mystery isn’t whether or not the prime minister will stay, it’s whether or not his base will leave.
- The real mystery isn’t whether or not the prime minister will stay, it’s whether or not his base will leave.
- For conservative politicians, lacking star power is actually a feature, not a bug.
- For conservative politicians, lacking star power is actually a feature, not a bug.
- For conservative politicians, lacking star power is actually a feature, not a bug.
- Even though the next election is likely over a year away, the Conservatives have been running their fundraising machine at full throttle.
- Even though the next election is likely over a year away, the Conservatives have been running their fundraising machine at full throttle.
- Even though the next election is likely over a year away, the Conservatives have been running their fundraising machine at full throttle.
- Playing defence doesn’t mean you have to be defensive. If anything, you should use your opponent’s attack as a chance to counterattack.
- Playing defence doesn’t mean you have to be defensive. If anything, you should use your opponent’s attack as a chance to counterattack.
- Playing defence doesn’t mean you have to be defensive. If anything, you should use your opponent’s attack as a chance to counterattack.
- Conservatives will employ negative ads to get their message across even though the polls indicate they are well ahead in the race. This is a
- Conservatives will employ negative ads to get their message across even though the polls indicate they are well ahead in the race. This is a
- Conservatives will employ negative ads to get their message across even though the polls indicate they are well ahead in the race. This is a
- Comparing France’s political situation to ours is like comparing apples to oranges. Or maybe like comparing poutine to cheese.
- Comparing France’s political situation to ours is like comparing apples to oranges. Or maybe like comparing poutine to cheese.
- Comparing France’s political situation to ours is like comparing apples to oranges. Or maybe like comparing poutine to cheese.
- J.D. Vance is uniquely situated to speak to those Americans who might have hated or feared Trump, but who are now considering supporting the
- J.D. Vance is uniquely situated to speak to those Americans who might have hated or feared Trump, but who are now considering supporting the
- J.D. Vance is uniquely situated to speak to those Americans who might have hated or feared Trump, but who are now considering supporting the
- In places of political power, loyalty is usually a scarce commodity. Finance Minister Chrystia Freeland might be learning this right now since media reports
- In places of political power, loyalty is usually a scarce commodity. Finance Minister Chrystia Freeland might be learning this right now since media reports
- In places of political power, loyalty is usually a scarce commodity. Finance Minister Chrystia Freeland might be learning this right now since media reports
- Ironically, Jagmeet Singh’s trendiness and hipness probably would have worked better had he been made NDP leader in the happier days of 2012 and
- Ironically, Jagmeet Singh’s trendiness and hipness probably would have worked better had he been made NDP leader in the happier days of 2012 and
- Ironically, Jagmeet Singh’s trendiness and hipness probably would have worked better had he been made NDP leader in the happier days of 2012 and
- By losing the recent byelection, the Liberals not only lost a chance at creating a good narrative, but also lost control of the narrative. If
- By losing the recent byelection, the Liberals not only lost a chance at creating a good narrative, but also lost control of the narrative. If
- By losing the recent byelection, the Liberals not only lost a chance at creating a good narrative, but also lost control of the narrative. If
- Conservatism is increasingly all about opposing the three main 'isms' of the 21st century: globalism, wokism, and elitism.

- Conservatism is increasingly all about opposing the three main 'isms' of the 21st century: globalism, wokism, and elitism.
- Conservatism is increasingly all about opposing the three main 'isms' of the 21st century: globalism, wokism, and elitism.

- If I were Trudeau, I’d watch my back.
- If I were Trudeau, I’d watch my back.
- If I were Trudeau, I’d watch my back.
- The judge who sentences Donald Trump could determine his political fate.
- The judge who sentences Donald Trump could determine his political fate.
- The judge who sentences Donald Trump could determine his political fate.
- Campaigns prefer victory to proselytization. So, unless the Liberals are confident they have more than just a small chance of success they won’t march into
- Campaigns prefer victory to proselytization. So, unless the Liberals are confident they have more than just a small chance of success they won’t march into
- Campaigns prefer victory to proselytization. So, unless the Liberals are confident they have more than just a small chance of success they won’t march into
- So, what's the problem with this, you ask? The problem is the 'power people' will inevitably clash with the true-blue conservative ideologues who form the
- So, what's the problem with this, you ask? The problem is the 'power people' will inevitably clash with the true-blue conservative ideologues who form the
- So, what's the problem with this, you ask? The problem is the 'power people' will inevitably clash with the true-blue conservative ideologues who form the
- If Pierre Poilievre keeps his focus on fixing the economy, his side musings about how he might use the notwithstanding clause likely won’t raise
- If Pierre Poilievre keeps his focus on fixing the economy, his side musings about how he might use the notwithstanding clause likely won’t raise
- If Pierre Poilievre keeps his focus on fixing the economy, his side musings about how he might use the notwithstanding clause likely won’t raise
- As journalist Stephen Maher recently put it, 'Trudeau is not likely to be ousted, Liz Truss-style, since he single-handedly built the modern Liberal Party,
- As journalist Stephen Maher recently put it, 'Trudeau is not likely to be ousted, Liz Truss-style, since he single-handedly built the modern Liberal Party,
- As journalist Stephen Maher recently put it, 'Trudeau is not likely to be ousted, Liz Truss-style, since he single-handedly built the modern Liberal Party,