Political Parties

- While the NDP can't compete with the cash other parties have spent on Meta ads, an unorthodox swing is 'exactly what the underdog needs right now,' says former digital director Michael Roy.
- While the NDP can't compete with the cash other parties have spent on Meta ads, an unorthodox swing is 'exactly what the underdog needs right now,' says former digital director Michael Roy.
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- Ontarians will head to the polls in a snap provincial election on Feb. 27, just over a week before federal Liberal Party members choose

- Ontarians will head to the polls in a snap provincial election on Feb. 27, just over a week before federal Liberal Party members choose
- Ontarians will head to the polls in a snap provincial election on Feb. 27, just over a week before federal Liberal Party members choose

- After the Jan. 30 deadline, leadership candidates must pay an additional non-refundable $250,000 to the party, as required by leadership election rules.

- After the Jan. 30 deadline, leadership candidates must pay an additional non-refundable $250,000 to the party, as required by leadership election rules.
- After the Jan. 30 deadline, leadership candidates must pay an additional non-refundable $250,000 to the party, as required by leadership election rules.

- Conservative Leader Pierre Poilievre indicates he won’t change his ‘axe the tax’ messaging in light of some Liberal leadership candidates planning to drop the
- Conservative Leader Pierre Poilievre indicates he won’t change his ‘axe the tax’ messaging in light of some Liberal leadership candidates planning to drop the
- Conservative Leader Pierre Poilievre indicates he won’t change his ‘axe the tax’ messaging in light of some Liberal leadership candidates planning to drop the
- The success and failure of a potential Liberal call for an early election will depend on where the U.S. tariff threat is at that

- The success and failure of a potential Liberal call for an early election will depend on where the U.S. tariff threat is at that
- The success and failure of a potential Liberal call for an early election will depend on where the U.S. tariff threat is at that

- However, a former federal Liberal candidate says the leadership race can provide the party with a captive audience for their messaging.
- However, a former federal Liberal candidate says the leadership race can provide the party with a captive audience for their messaging.
- However, a former federal Liberal candidate says the leadership race can provide the party with a captive audience for their messaging.
- Unforced errors like Rob Oliphant’s leaked audiotape will make it harder for the Liberals to win the next election, says Greg Lyle, president of

- Unforced errors like Rob Oliphant’s leaked audiotape will make it harder for the Liberals to win the next election, says Greg Lyle, president of
- Unforced errors like Rob Oliphant’s leaked audiotape will make it harder for the Liberals to win the next election, says Greg Lyle, president of

- The almost daily controversies are majorly distracting the Liberal government from communicating its messages to Canadians, says Abacus Data CEO David Coletto.

- The almost daily controversies are majorly distracting the Liberal government from communicating its messages to Canadians, says Abacus Data CEO David Coletto.
- The almost daily controversies are majorly distracting the Liberal government from communicating its messages to Canadians, says Abacus Data CEO David Coletto.

- Georgetown Councillor D’Arcy Keene has launched his Conservative nomination campaign in the newly created riding of Milton East-Halton Hills South, Ont.

- Georgetown Councillor D’Arcy Keene has launched his Conservative nomination campaign in the newly created riding of Milton East-Halton Hills South, Ont.
- Georgetown Councillor D’Arcy Keene has launched his Conservative nomination campaign in the newly created riding of Milton East-Halton Hills South, Ont.

- If people don’t like Justin Trudeau, it follows they won’t like his policies, either. It’s guilt by association. If the rebate had another name, the carbon
- If people don’t like Justin Trudeau, it follows they won’t like his policies, either. It’s guilt by association. If the rebate had another name, the carbon
- If people don’t like Justin Trudeau, it follows they won’t like his policies, either. It’s guilt by association. If the rebate had another name, the carbon
- Meanwhile, former Liberal staffer Dan Arnold says the government has to decide whether it wants to invest big money into pharmacare versus its other

- Meanwhile, former Liberal staffer Dan Arnold says the government has to decide whether it wants to invest big money into pharmacare versus its other
- Meanwhile, former Liberal staffer Dan Arnold says the government has to decide whether it wants to invest big money into pharmacare versus its other

- A dozen current Conservative MPs have failed to meet the nomination conditions set by the party in 2022, according to a senior Conservative.
- A dozen current Conservative MPs have failed to meet the nomination conditions set by the party in 2022, according to a senior Conservative.
- A dozen current Conservative MPs have failed to meet the nomination conditions set by the party in 2022, according to a senior Conservative.
- In the latest Abacus Data survey, one in five NDP supporters said they voted Liberal in the last election. But one in 10 past
- In the latest Abacus Data survey, one in five NDP supporters said they voted Liberal in the last election. But one in 10 past
- In the latest Abacus Data survey, one in five NDP supporters said they voted Liberal in the last election. But one in 10 past
- The election could still be more than a year away, but things are heating up. This year’s Top 100 list reflects some changes in

- The election could still be more than a year away, but things are heating up. This year’s Top 100 list reflects some changes in
- The election could still be more than a year away, but things are heating up. This year’s Top 100 list reflects some changes in

- Between now and November, Donald Trump is going to make a lot of news, so the Liberals don’t need to publicly link Pierre Poilievre
- Between now and November, Donald Trump is going to make a lot of news, so the Liberals don’t need to publicly link Pierre Poilievre
- Between now and November, Donald Trump is going to make a lot of news, so the Liberals don’t need to publicly link Pierre Poilievre
- Conservative ads opposing the Liberals' gun control and streaming bills were among the most-seen sponsored posts about the government last year.
- Conservative ads opposing the Liberals' gun control and streaming bills were among the most-seen sponsored posts about the government last year.
- Conservative ads opposing the Liberals' gun control and streaming bills were among the most-seen sponsored posts about the government last year.
- 'The ball is now in Mr. Fergus’ court,' said a Bloc Québécois spokesperson, adding that the Speaker 'lacks the impartiality and judgement necessary to
- 'The ball is now in Mr. Fergus’ court,' said a Bloc Québécois spokesperson, adding that the Speaker 'lacks the impartiality and judgement necessary to
- 'The ball is now in Mr. Fergus’ court,' said a Bloc Québécois spokesperson, adding that the Speaker 'lacks the impartiality and judgement necessary to
- Re: “Parliament’s in a pickle,” (The Hill Times, Dec. 26). In Chelsea Nash’s interview with Jonathan Malloy, a scholar of Canadian political institutions and
Opinion | January 8, 2024
Opinion | January 8, 2024
- Re: “Parliament’s in a pickle,” (The Hill Times, Dec. 26). In Chelsea Nash’s interview with Jonathan Malloy, a scholar of Canadian political institutions and
Opinion | January 8, 2024
- Re: “Parliament’s in a pickle,” (The Hill Times, Dec. 26). In Chelsea Nash’s interview with Jonathan Malloy, a scholar of Canadian political institutions and