Mental Health
- Each of Canada's expansion to assisted dying laws includes a subtle implication that certain lives are not worth living.
- Each of Canada's expansion to assisted dying laws includes a subtle implication that certain lives are not worth living.
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- Let’s commit to women’s mental health, and invest in the future of Canadians.
- Let’s commit to women’s mental health, and invest in the future of Canadians.
- Let’s commit to women’s mental health, and invest in the future of Canadians.
- The affordability crisis has exposed Canada's mental health-care system as being "behind a paywall," according to the Canadian Mental Health Association’s Sarah Kennell.

- The affordability crisis has exposed Canada's mental health-care system as being "behind a paywall," according to the Canadian Mental Health Association’s Sarah Kennell.
- The affordability crisis has exposed Canada's mental health-care system as being "behind a paywall," according to the Canadian Mental Health Association’s Sarah Kennell.

- As meagre as funding has been for health research in general, the situation for research into mental health is much worse.
- As meagre as funding has been for health research in general, the situation for research into mental health is much worse.
- As meagre as funding has been for health research in general, the situation for research into mental health is much worse.
- If we're truly committed to advancing reconciliation, supporting Indigenous workers, and building a robust economy, reinstating Canadian Certified Counsellors in the NIHB program in
- If we're truly committed to advancing reconciliation, supporting Indigenous workers, and building a robust economy, reinstating Canadian Certified Counsellors in the NIHB program in
- If we're truly committed to advancing reconciliation, supporting Indigenous workers, and building a robust economy, reinstating Canadian Certified Counsellors in the NIHB program in
- Evidence suggests the pandemic spurred a trend of declining child and youth mental health that began two decades ago, and is ongoing.
- Evidence suggests the pandemic spurred a trend of declining child and youth mental health that began two decades ago, and is ongoing.
- Evidence suggests the pandemic spurred a trend of declining child and youth mental health that began two decades ago, and is ongoing.
- Senator Ratna Omidvar says an updated framework will need to focus on the overrepresentation of boys and men in Canada’s suicide rate.

- Senator Ratna Omidvar says an updated framework will need to focus on the overrepresentation of boys and men in Canada’s suicide rate.
- Senator Ratna Omidvar says an updated framework will need to focus on the overrepresentation of boys and men in Canada’s suicide rate.

- We need robust oversight of AI technologies used to influence and sell a state of mind meant to improve our emotional well-being.

- We need robust oversight of AI technologies used to influence and sell a state of mind meant to improve our emotional well-being.
- We need robust oversight of AI technologies used to influence and sell a state of mind meant to improve our emotional well-being.

- There is a clear lack of consistency, cohesion, and dedication when it comes to children’s health care in Canada.
- There is a clear lack of consistency, cohesion, and dedication when it comes to children’s health care in Canada.
- There is a clear lack of consistency, cohesion, and dedication when it comes to children’s health care in Canada.
- For too long, the government has relied on these not-for-profit organizations to fill the gaps in basic health care, without adequately funding them. Looking forward,
- For too long, the government has relied on these not-for-profit organizations to fill the gaps in basic health care, without adequately funding them. Looking forward,
- For too long, the government has relied on these not-for-profit organizations to fill the gaps in basic health care, without adequately funding them. Looking forward,
- Privatization threatens the public health-care system in Canada. By taking funding and staff away from public hospitals, it will make wait times for urgent
Opinion | March 27, 2023
Opinion | March 27, 2023
- Privatization threatens the public health-care system in Canada. By taking funding and staff away from public hospitals, it will make wait times for urgent
Opinion | March 27, 2023
- Privatization threatens the public health-care system in Canada. By taking funding and staff away from public hospitals, it will make wait times for urgent
- Bill C-39 adds another year before Canada’s MAID regime expands to allow individuals suffering solely from mental illness to request medically assisted death.

- Bill C-39 adds another year before Canada’s MAID regime expands to allow individuals suffering solely from mental illness to request medically assisted death.
- Bill C-39 adds another year before Canada’s MAID regime expands to allow individuals suffering solely from mental illness to request medically assisted death.

- Moronic flamethrower rhetoric and talking points from all sides won’t do the job of properly figuring out what is best here.
- Moronic flamethrower rhetoric and talking points from all sides won’t do the job of properly figuring out what is best here.
- Moronic flamethrower rhetoric and talking points from all sides won’t do the job of properly figuring out what is best here.
- Assisted death for mental illness as a sole underlying cause will become legal in Canada on March 17. Bill C-39, currently at the Senate,
- Assisted death for mental illness as a sole underlying cause will become legal in Canada on March 17. Bill C-39, currently at the Senate,
- Assisted death for mental illness as a sole underlying cause will become legal in Canada on March 17. Bill C-39, currently at the Senate,
- Green Leader Elizabeth May says she would feel more comfortable supporting the expansion of medically assisted death if the government was making an accelerated
- Green Leader Elizabeth May says she would feel more comfortable supporting the expansion of medically assisted death if the government was making an accelerated
- Green Leader Elizabeth May says she would feel more comfortable supporting the expansion of medically assisted death if the government was making an accelerated
- The survey found that following three years of coping with the pandemic, in addition to increasing economic challenges, 'disappointment in Canada has taken its

- The survey found that following three years of coping with the pandemic, in addition to increasing economic challenges, 'disappointment in Canada has taken its
- The survey found that following three years of coping with the pandemic, in addition to increasing economic challenges, 'disappointment in Canada has taken its

- For the pause to expanding medical assistance in dying to have meaning, the time must be used to develop policy following an unbiased review
- For the pause to expanding medical assistance in dying to have meaning, the time must be used to develop policy following an unbiased review
- For the pause to expanding medical assistance in dying to have meaning, the time must be used to develop policy following an unbiased review
- In delaying the expansion of MAID, the government has taken a baby step in the right direction, but they are still missing the point:
- In delaying the expansion of MAID, the government has taken a baby step in the right direction, but they are still missing the point:
- In delaying the expansion of MAID, the government has taken a baby step in the right direction, but they are still missing the point: