Mental Health
- Each of Canada's expansion to assisted dying laws includes a subtle implication that certain lives are not worth living.
- Each of Canada's expansion to assisted dying laws includes a subtle implication that certain lives are not worth living.
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- Let’s commit to women’s mental health, and invest in the future of Canadians.
- Let’s commit to women’s mental health, and invest in the future of Canadians.
- Let’s commit to women’s mental health, and invest in the future of Canadians.
- The affordability crisis has exposed Canada's mental health-care system as being "behind a paywall," according to the Canadian Mental Health Association’s Sarah Kennell.

- The affordability crisis has exposed Canada's mental health-care system as being "behind a paywall," according to the Canadian Mental Health Association’s Sarah Kennell.
- The affordability crisis has exposed Canada's mental health-care system as being "behind a paywall," according to the Canadian Mental Health Association’s Sarah Kennell.

- As meagre as funding has been for health research in general, the situation for research into mental health is much worse.
- As meagre as funding has been for health research in general, the situation for research into mental health is much worse.
- As meagre as funding has been for health research in general, the situation for research into mental health is much worse.
- If we're truly committed to advancing reconciliation, supporting Indigenous workers, and building a robust economy, reinstating Canadian Certified Counsellors in the NIHB program in
- If we're truly committed to advancing reconciliation, supporting Indigenous workers, and building a robust economy, reinstating Canadian Certified Counsellors in the NIHB program in
- If we're truly committed to advancing reconciliation, supporting Indigenous workers, and building a robust economy, reinstating Canadian Certified Counsellors in the NIHB program in
- Evidence suggests the pandemic spurred a trend of declining child and youth mental health that began two decades ago, and is ongoing.
- Evidence suggests the pandemic spurred a trend of declining child and youth mental health that began two decades ago, and is ongoing.
- Evidence suggests the pandemic spurred a trend of declining child and youth mental health that began two decades ago, and is ongoing.
- The COVID-19 pandemic has impacted the mental health of many Canadians and all signs point to a coming surge in the number of people
- The COVID-19 pandemic has impacted the mental health of many Canadians and all signs point to a coming surge in the number of people
- The COVID-19 pandemic has impacted the mental health of many Canadians and all signs point to a coming surge in the number of people
- Suicide is serious. Even before the coronavirus pandemic, which has been a source of unprecedented emotional stress, 11 Canadians died by suicide, and dozens
- Suicide is serious. Even before the coronavirus pandemic, which has been a source of unprecedented emotional stress, 11 Canadians died by suicide, and dozens
- Suicide is serious. Even before the coronavirus pandemic, which has been a source of unprecedented emotional stress, 11 Canadians died by suicide, and dozens
- November is the one month of the year when issues surrounding the mental health of men and boys emerge from the shadows of society.
- November is the one month of the year when issues surrounding the mental health of men and boys emerge from the shadows of society.
- November is the one month of the year when issues surrounding the mental health of men and boys emerge from the shadows of society.
- The House Defence Committee will soon begin studying access to mental health services for members of the Canadian Armed Forces with the aim of

- The House Defence Committee will soon begin studying access to mental health services for members of the Canadian Armed Forces with the aim of
- The House Defence Committee will soon begin studying access to mental health services for members of the Canadian Armed Forces with the aim of

- When COVID-19 forced us all to shut down our way of life as we knew it last spring, the Canadian Mental Health Association warned

- When COVID-19 forced us all to shut down our way of life as we knew it last spring, the Canadian Mental Health Association warned
- When COVID-19 forced us all to shut down our way of life as we knew it last spring, the Canadian Mental Health Association warned

- Money and resources for awareness have, and continue, to play an important role in mental health wellness, but the time to shift our focus

- Money and resources for awareness have, and continue, to play an important role in mental health wellness, but the time to shift our focus
- Money and resources for awareness have, and continue, to play an important role in mental health wellness, but the time to shift our focus

- As the federal government seeks to turn the Throne Speech from rhetoric into reality, some Parliamentarians say they are frustrated with the level of

- As the federal government seeks to turn the Throne Speech from rhetoric into reality, some Parliamentarians say they are frustrated with the level of
- As the federal government seeks to turn the Throne Speech from rhetoric into reality, some Parliamentarians say they are frustrated with the level of

- Approximately 4,000 Canadians die by suicide every year. From age 10 to 34, suicide is consistently the second leading cause of death in Canada behind

- Approximately 4,000 Canadians die by suicide every year. From age 10 to 34, suicide is consistently the second leading cause of death in Canada behind
- Approximately 4,000 Canadians die by suicide every year. From age 10 to 34, suicide is consistently the second leading cause of death in Canada behind

- Canadians’ mental health has faced significant challenges during the pandemic. Stress has gone up, whether from uncertainty or from very serious problems such as

- Canadians’ mental health has faced significant challenges during the pandemic. Stress has gone up, whether from uncertainty or from very serious problems such as
- Canadians’ mental health has faced significant challenges during the pandemic. Stress has gone up, whether from uncertainty or from very serious problems such as

- Mental health was dubbed the poor cousin of health care as a result of the 2006 Senate report, Out of the Shadows at Last: Transforming Mental Health,
- Mental health was dubbed the poor cousin of health care as a result of the 2006 Senate report, Out of the Shadows at Last: Transforming Mental Health,
- Mental health was dubbed the poor cousin of health care as a result of the 2006 Senate report, Out of the Shadows at Last: Transforming Mental Health,
- As parents and children continue to adjust to new school realities this September, Canada has a stark choice: do we let COVID-19 disrupt one

- As parents and children continue to adjust to new school realities this September, Canada has a stark choice: do we let COVID-19 disrupt one
- As parents and children continue to adjust to new school realities this September, Canada has a stark choice: do we let COVID-19 disrupt one

- With Canada continuing to battle COVID-19 and its profound impacts on our economy, the timing is less than ideal to appoint a new finance
- With Canada continuing to battle COVID-19 and its profound impacts on our economy, the timing is less than ideal to appoint a new finance
- With Canada continuing to battle COVID-19 and its profound impacts on our economy, the timing is less than ideal to appoint a new finance