- Over nearly a decade in power, Justin Trudeau used bilateral deals, federal dollars, and strings attached to a much greater degree than past PMs to enact a federal policy vision in areas of provincial jurisdiction.
- Over nearly a decade in power, Justin Trudeau used bilateral deals, federal dollars, and strings attached to a much greater degree than past PMs to enact a federal policy vision in areas of provincial jurisdiction.
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- Karina Gould is a force to be reckoned with. If Liberal voters actually want a future that will reflect the best elements of the Trudeau
- Karina Gould is a force to be reckoned with. If Liberal voters actually want a future that will reflect the best elements of the Trudeau
- Karina Gould is a force to be reckoned with. If Liberal voters actually want a future that will reflect the best elements of the Trudeau
- Liberal leadership candidates faced off in battleground Montreal near the epicentre of their September byelection loss.

- Liberal leadership candidates faced off in battleground Montreal near the epicentre of their September byelection loss.
- Liberal leadership candidates faced off in battleground Montreal near the epicentre of their September byelection loss.

- Public sector reform should look closer to Jean Chrétien’s Program Review than Donald Trump’s mass layoffs, says Université de Moncton professor Donald Savoie.
- Public sector reform should look closer to Jean Chrétien’s Program Review than Donald Trump’s mass layoffs, says Université de Moncton professor Donald Savoie.
- Public sector reform should look closer to Jean Chrétien’s Program Review than Donald Trump’s mass layoffs, says Université de Moncton professor Donald Savoie.
- The four remaining candidates took to the English-language debate stage on Feb. 25 to tackle key policy planks and present themselves as the best
- The four remaining candidates took to the English-language debate stage on Feb. 25 to tackle key policy planks and present themselves as the best
- The four remaining candidates took to the English-language debate stage on Feb. 25 to tackle key policy planks and present themselves as the best
- Karina Gould is ‘the first Liberal in a while that has shown an ability to really connect with [young Liberals] and mobilize them,’ says
- Karina Gould is ‘the first Liberal in a while that has shown an ability to really connect with [young Liberals] and mobilize them,’ says
- Karina Gould is ‘the first Liberal in a while that has shown an ability to really connect with [young Liberals] and mobilize them,’ says
- Some lobby firms are fielding inquiries from Liberal staffers looking for new jobs this summer, which one lobbyist says is part of a natural
- Some lobby firms are fielding inquiries from Liberal staffers looking for new jobs this summer, which one lobbyist says is part of a natural
- Some lobby firms are fielding inquiries from Liberal staffers looking for new jobs this summer, which one lobbyist says is part of a natural
- While some Liberals say they found their party's decision to withdraw 'distressing,' others say it was the right call in the response to a

- While some Liberals say they found their party's decision to withdraw 'distressing,' others say it was the right call in the response to a
- While some Liberals say they found their party's decision to withdraw 'distressing,' others say it was the right call in the response to a

- It is hard to conceive that any other organization would mimic the approach of the current government to right its ship.
- It is hard to conceive that any other organization would mimic the approach of the current government to right its ship.
- It is hard to conceive that any other organization would mimic the approach of the current government to right its ship.
- Celebrity is hard to sustain in Canadian politics. Justin Trudeau should shine the spotlight on the rest of his team—after a shakeup of his
- Celebrity is hard to sustain in Canadian politics. Justin Trudeau should shine the spotlight on the rest of his team—after a shakeup of his
- Celebrity is hard to sustain in Canadian politics. Justin Trudeau should shine the spotlight on the rest of his team—after a shakeup of his
- A public backlash on the horizon if the growing federal civil service doesn’t deliver the goods, says Donald Savoie in his new book.
- A public backlash on the horizon if the growing federal civil service doesn’t deliver the goods, says Donald Savoie in his new book.
- A public backlash on the horizon if the growing federal civil service doesn’t deliver the goods, says Donald Savoie in his new book.
- The Halifax retreat will also involve 'talking with folks out here on the East Coast about what really matters,' says Housing Minister Sean Fraser.
- The Halifax retreat will also involve 'talking with folks out here on the East Coast about what really matters,' says Housing Minister Sean Fraser.
- The Halifax retreat will also involve 'talking with folks out here on the East Coast about what really matters,' says Housing Minister Sean Fraser.
- If the union decides to ‘kick and scream’ in the face of binding arbitration, it could take steps that would lead to trains not
- If the union decides to ‘kick and scream’ in the face of binding arbitration, it could take steps that would lead to trains not
- If the union decides to ‘kick and scream’ in the face of binding arbitration, it could take steps that would lead to trains not
- Even though the next election is likely over a year away, the Conservatives have been running their fundraising machine at full throttle.
- Even though the next election is likely over a year away, the Conservatives have been running their fundraising machine at full throttle.
- Even though the next election is likely over a year away, the Conservatives have been running their fundraising machine at full throttle.
- As the first woman chief government whip, she ensured that caucus ran smoothly and legislation got passed. She didn't take up much space, but knew
- As the first woman chief government whip, she ensured that caucus ran smoothly and legislation got passed. She didn't take up much space, but knew
- As the first woman chief government whip, she ensured that caucus ran smoothly and legislation got passed. She didn't take up much space, but knew
- Political parties will exploit our hopes and fears by prepping candidates to ensure our choice is driven by reactionary emotions, not critical analysis. Luckily, we
- Political parties will exploit our hopes and fears by prepping candidates to ensure our choice is driven by reactionary emotions, not critical analysis. Luckily, we
- Political parties will exploit our hopes and fears by prepping candidates to ensure our choice is driven by reactionary emotions, not critical analysis. Luckily, we
- Former Liberal staffer Olivier Cullen says that Terry Beech has quietly taken passports out of the opposition’s ‘arsenal,’ but former NDP staffer Cam Holmstrom
- Former Liberal staffer Olivier Cullen says that Terry Beech has quietly taken passports out of the opposition’s ‘arsenal,’ but former NDP staffer Cam Holmstrom
- Former Liberal staffer Olivier Cullen says that Terry Beech has quietly taken passports out of the opposition’s ‘arsenal,’ but former NDP staffer Cam Holmstrom
- Pablo Rodriquez has integrated beautifully into the Quebec political world, and is widely recognized as a great organizer in all regions. That would make his
- Pablo Rodriquez has integrated beautifully into the Quebec political world, and is widely recognized as a great organizer in all regions. That would make his
- Pablo Rodriquez has integrated beautifully into the Quebec political world, and is widely recognized as a great organizer in all regions. That would make his