- Over nearly a decade in power, Justin Trudeau used bilateral deals, federal dollars, and strings attached to a much greater degree than past PMs to enact a federal policy vision in areas of provincial jurisdiction.
- Over nearly a decade in power, Justin Trudeau used bilateral deals, federal dollars, and strings attached to a much greater degree than past PMs to enact a federal policy vision in areas of provincial jurisdiction.
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- Karina Gould is a force to be reckoned with. If Liberal voters actually want a future that will reflect the best elements of the Trudeau
- Karina Gould is a force to be reckoned with. If Liberal voters actually want a future that will reflect the best elements of the Trudeau
- Karina Gould is a force to be reckoned with. If Liberal voters actually want a future that will reflect the best elements of the Trudeau
- Liberal leadership candidates faced off in battleground Montreal near the epicentre of their September byelection loss.

- Liberal leadership candidates faced off in battleground Montreal near the epicentre of their September byelection loss.
- Liberal leadership candidates faced off in battleground Montreal near the epicentre of their September byelection loss.

- Public sector reform should look closer to Jean Chrétien’s Program Review than Donald Trump’s mass layoffs, says Université de Moncton professor Donald Savoie.
- Public sector reform should look closer to Jean Chrétien’s Program Review than Donald Trump’s mass layoffs, says Université de Moncton professor Donald Savoie.
- Public sector reform should look closer to Jean Chrétien’s Program Review than Donald Trump’s mass layoffs, says Université de Moncton professor Donald Savoie.
- The four remaining candidates took to the English-language debate stage on Feb. 25 to tackle key policy planks and present themselves as the best
- The four remaining candidates took to the English-language debate stage on Feb. 25 to tackle key policy planks and present themselves as the best
- The four remaining candidates took to the English-language debate stage on Feb. 25 to tackle key policy planks and present themselves as the best
- Karina Gould is ‘the first Liberal in a while that has shown an ability to really connect with [young Liberals] and mobilize them,’ says
- Karina Gould is ‘the first Liberal in a while that has shown an ability to really connect with [young Liberals] and mobilize them,’ says
- Karina Gould is ‘the first Liberal in a while that has shown an ability to really connect with [young Liberals] and mobilize them,’ says
- The City of Ottawa is warned of an impending public transit ‘death spiral’ as politicians look to boost the downtown core with more federal
- The City of Ottawa is warned of an impending public transit ‘death spiral’ as politicians look to boost the downtown core with more federal
- The City of Ottawa is warned of an impending public transit ‘death spiral’ as politicians look to boost the downtown core with more federal
- Mark Carney made it clear he will be doubling down on the need for the government and Canadians to move heaven and earth to
- Mark Carney made it clear he will be doubling down on the need for the government and Canadians to move heaven and earth to
- Mark Carney made it clear he will be doubling down on the need for the government and Canadians to move heaven and earth to
- Canadians will reject the Grits in the next election if Trudeau stays put, or ‘boring’ Mark Carney ascends to the throne.
- Canadians will reject the Grits in the next election if Trudeau stays put, or ‘boring’ Mark Carney ascends to the throne.
- Canadians will reject the Grits in the next election if Trudeau stays put, or ‘boring’ Mark Carney ascends to the throne.
- Just like the wrestling pros, politicians on Parliament Hill are posturing for a prime position come election time.
- Just like the wrestling pros, politicians on Parliament Hill are posturing for a prime position come election time.
- Just like the wrestling pros, politicians on Parliament Hill are posturing for a prime position come election time.
- With the NDP holding off a strong Conservative push for a traditionally safe seat in Winnipeg, pundits from both sides argue their party is
- With the NDP holding off a strong Conservative push for a traditionally safe seat in Winnipeg, pundits from both sides argue their party is
- With the NDP holding off a strong Conservative push for a traditionally safe seat in Winnipeg, pundits from both sides argue their party is
- Despite being the governing party, Government House Leader Karina Gould says Liberals will hold Conservative Leader Pierre Poilievre 'to account' this fall session. Meanwhile,
- Despite being the governing party, Government House Leader Karina Gould says Liberals will hold Conservative Leader Pierre Poilievre 'to account' this fall session. Meanwhile,
- Despite being the governing party, Government House Leader Karina Gould says Liberals will hold Conservative Leader Pierre Poilievre 'to account' this fall session. Meanwhile,
- Mark Carney’s task force may improve things at the margins, but we will need much more than a short-term project.
- Mark Carney’s task force may improve things at the margins, but we will need much more than a short-term project.
- Mark Carney’s task force may improve things at the margins, but we will need much more than a short-term project.
- Parliament and the federal government need to find ways to instill confidence in Canadians that there is a clear economic strategy in place to
- Parliament and the federal government need to find ways to instill confidence in Canadians that there is a clear economic strategy in place to
- Parliament and the federal government need to find ways to instill confidence in Canadians that there is a clear economic strategy in place to
- The Liberals can no longer count on the NDP, and the “legacy-building year” will be a limited parliamentary agenda where the government works hard for support
- The Liberals can no longer count on the NDP, and the “legacy-building year” will be a limited parliamentary agenda where the government works hard for support
- The Liberals can no longer count on the NDP, and the “legacy-building year” will be a limited parliamentary agenda where the government works hard for support
- Google awaits the CRTC go-ahead for $100-million-a-year Canadian media fund as news outlets call for urgent access to cash.
- Google awaits the CRTC go-ahead for $100-million-a-year Canadian media fund as news outlets call for urgent access to cash.
- Google awaits the CRTC go-ahead for $100-million-a-year Canadian media fund as news outlets call for urgent access to cash.
- The House is back. Get ready for a lot more parliamentary tactics, a lot more focus on the House, and a lot more of
- The House is back. Get ready for a lot more parliamentary tactics, a lot more focus on the House, and a lot more of
- The House is back. Get ready for a lot more parliamentary tactics, a lot more focus on the House, and a lot more of
- Public service union walks back calls to boycott downtown Ottawa business.
- Public service union walks back calls to boycott downtown Ottawa business.
- Public service union walks back calls to boycott downtown Ottawa business.