- Over nearly a decade in power, Justin Trudeau used bilateral deals, federal dollars, and strings attached to a much greater degree than past PMs to enact a federal policy vision in areas of provincial jurisdiction.
- Over nearly a decade in power, Justin Trudeau used bilateral deals, federal dollars, and strings attached to a much greater degree than past PMs to enact a federal policy vision in areas of provincial jurisdiction.
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- Karina Gould is a force to be reckoned with. If Liberal voters actually want a future that will reflect the best elements of the Trudeau
- Karina Gould is a force to be reckoned with. If Liberal voters actually want a future that will reflect the best elements of the Trudeau
- Karina Gould is a force to be reckoned with. If Liberal voters actually want a future that will reflect the best elements of the Trudeau
- Liberal leadership candidates faced off in battleground Montreal near the epicentre of their September byelection loss.

- Liberal leadership candidates faced off in battleground Montreal near the epicentre of their September byelection loss.
- Liberal leadership candidates faced off in battleground Montreal near the epicentre of their September byelection loss.

- Public sector reform should look closer to Jean Chrétien’s Program Review than Donald Trump’s mass layoffs, says Université de Moncton professor Donald Savoie.
- Public sector reform should look closer to Jean Chrétien’s Program Review than Donald Trump’s mass layoffs, says Université de Moncton professor Donald Savoie.
- Public sector reform should look closer to Jean Chrétien’s Program Review than Donald Trump’s mass layoffs, says Université de Moncton professor Donald Savoie.
- The four remaining candidates took to the English-language debate stage on Feb. 25 to tackle key policy planks and present themselves as the best
- The four remaining candidates took to the English-language debate stage on Feb. 25 to tackle key policy planks and present themselves as the best
- The four remaining candidates took to the English-language debate stage on Feb. 25 to tackle key policy planks and present themselves as the best
- Karina Gould is ‘the first Liberal in a while that has shown an ability to really connect with [young Liberals] and mobilize them,’ says
- Karina Gould is ‘the first Liberal in a while that has shown an ability to really connect with [young Liberals] and mobilize them,’ says
- Karina Gould is ‘the first Liberal in a while that has shown an ability to really connect with [young Liberals] and mobilize them,’ says
- The impasse in Parliament is now in its fourth week as Conservatives continue to demand the feds release unreacted SDTC documents to RCMP.
- The impasse in Parliament is now in its fourth week as Conservatives continue to demand the feds release unreacted SDTC documents to RCMP.
- The impasse in Parliament is now in its fourth week as Conservatives continue to demand the feds release unreacted SDTC documents to RCMP.
- Meanwhile, Government House Leader Karina Gould says Bloc Québécois and NDP MPs are 'afraid' to stand up to Conservatives over the ongoing filibuster.
- Meanwhile, Government House Leader Karina Gould says Bloc Québécois and NDP MPs are 'afraid' to stand up to Conservatives over the ongoing filibuster.
- Meanwhile, Government House Leader Karina Gould says Bloc Québécois and NDP MPs are 'afraid' to stand up to Conservatives over the ongoing filibuster.
- New documents obtained by The Hill Times show the parties plan to focus their appeal on whether provincial laws should have jurisdiction over federal

- New documents obtained by The Hill Times show the parties plan to focus their appeal on whether provincial laws should have jurisdiction over federal
- New documents obtained by The Hill Times show the parties plan to focus their appeal on whether provincial laws should have jurisdiction over federal

- As the Liberals push the narrative that Pierre Poilievre poses a threat to the country, the Conservatives are pushing out policy items that don’t
- As the Liberals push the narrative that Pierre Poilievre poses a threat to the country, the Conservatives are pushing out policy items that don’t
- As the Liberals push the narrative that Pierre Poilievre poses a threat to the country, the Conservatives are pushing out policy items that don’t
- Replacing Jeremy Broadhurst with Andrew Bevan swaps 'one extremely seasoned, experienced, and competent political operator with another,' says former ministerial staffer Olivier Cullen.
- Replacing Jeremy Broadhurst with Andrew Bevan swaps 'one extremely seasoned, experienced, and competent political operator with another,' says former ministerial staffer Olivier Cullen.
- Replacing Jeremy Broadhurst with Andrew Bevan swaps 'one extremely seasoned, experienced, and competent political operator with another,' says former ministerial staffer Olivier Cullen.
- Andrew Bevan, who was appointed to the role on Oct. 13, will provide regular updates to the caucus on election readiness and plans for
- Andrew Bevan, who was appointed to the role on Oct. 13, will provide regular updates to the caucus on election readiness and plans for
- Andrew Bevan, who was appointed to the role on Oct. 13, will provide regular updates to the caucus on election readiness and plans for
- The cardinal rule of politics and governance is presenting a united front to the public. Rubbing their noses in the party’s dirty laundry is

- The cardinal rule of politics and governance is presenting a united front to the public. Rubbing their noses in the party’s dirty laundry is
- The cardinal rule of politics and governance is presenting a united front to the public. Rubbing their noses in the party’s dirty laundry is

- In last week’s palace revolt, there is no heir apparent standing in the wings. Although several candidates are already preparing, including some in cabinet, there
- In last week’s palace revolt, there is no heir apparent standing in the wings. Although several candidates are already preparing, including some in cabinet, there
- In last week’s palace revolt, there is no heir apparent standing in the wings. Although several candidates are already preparing, including some in cabinet, there
- The attempt to oust the PM at caucus was ‘unorganized’ and ‘haphazard’ said ex-Liberal staffer Nick McRoberts, but other forms of pressure must be
- The attempt to oust the PM at caucus was ‘unorganized’ and ‘haphazard’ said ex-Liberal staffer Nick McRoberts, but other forms of pressure must be
- The attempt to oust the PM at caucus was ‘unorganized’ and ‘haphazard’ said ex-Liberal staffer Nick McRoberts, but other forms of pressure must be
- The Liberal national caucus met on Oct. 23 where sources say about 50 Liberal MPs stood to speak either for and against Justin Trudeau
- The Liberal national caucus met on Oct. 23 where sources say about 50 Liberal MPs stood to speak either for and against Justin Trudeau
- The Liberal national caucus met on Oct. 23 where sources say about 50 Liberal MPs stood to speak either for and against Justin Trudeau
- One Liberal MP described the meeting as ‘the first time we've had a caucus meeting where people actually spoke their mind.’
- One Liberal MP described the meeting as ‘the first time we've had a caucus meeting where people actually spoke their mind.’
- One Liberal MP described the meeting as ‘the first time we've had a caucus meeting where people actually spoke their mind.’
- Liberal MPs gathered for a national caucus meeting on Oct. 23 where some called for Prime Minister Justin Trudeau to step down
- Liberal MPs gathered for a national caucus meeting on Oct. 23 where some called for Prime Minister Justin Trudeau to step down
- Liberal MPs gathered for a national caucus meeting on Oct. 23 where some called for Prime Minister Justin Trudeau to step down