Justin Trudeau
- The details of public spending should be public. It is a depressing reality of Canadian democracy today that the terms and conditions of government contracting with third parties are often treated as trade secrets.
- The details of public spending should be public. It is a depressing reality of Canadian democracy today that the terms and conditions of government contracting with third parties are often treated as trade secrets.
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- Prime Minister Justin Trudeau spent without consideration for the public purse, failed to encourage greater unity, and was ineffective in governing.
- Prime Minister Justin Trudeau spent without consideration for the public purse, failed to encourage greater unity, and was ineffective in governing.
- Prime Minister Justin Trudeau spent without consideration for the public purse, failed to encourage greater unity, and was ineffective in governing.
- Prime Minister Justin Trudeau says there is ‘no justification’ for American tariffs on Canadian goods, and vows the country will ‘not back down.’
- Prime Minister Justin Trudeau says there is ‘no justification’ for American tariffs on Canadian goods, and vows the country will ‘not back down.’
- Prime Minister Justin Trudeau says there is ‘no justification’ for American tariffs on Canadian goods, and vows the country will ‘not back down.’
- Liberal leadership candidates faced off in battleground Montreal near the epicentre of their September byelection loss.

- Liberal leadership candidates faced off in battleground Montreal near the epicentre of their September byelection loss.
- Liberal leadership candidates faced off in battleground Montreal near the epicentre of their September byelection loss.

- Canada’s and Europe’s leaders are trying to rewrite the framework of power to open the way for an end to Russia’s murderous attack on
- Canada’s and Europe’s leaders are trying to rewrite the framework of power to open the way for an end to Russia’s murderous attack on
- Canada’s and Europe’s leaders are trying to rewrite the framework of power to open the way for an end to Russia’s murderous attack on
- The tumult of Donald Trump’s first few weeks in office have underscored the wisdom of being strategic about which defence needs Canada should source
- The tumult of Donald Trump’s first few weeks in office have underscored the wisdom of being strategic about which defence needs Canada should source
- The tumult of Donald Trump’s first few weeks in office have underscored the wisdom of being strategic about which defence needs Canada should source
- Staying on as Liberal leader is about proving his critics wrong, finishing the job he started in 2015, and defeating an opponent he visibly
- Staying on as Liberal leader is about proving his critics wrong, finishing the job he started in 2015, and defeating an opponent he visibly
- Staying on as Liberal leader is about proving his critics wrong, finishing the job he started in 2015, and defeating an opponent he visibly
- With another $3.32-million in the bank this quarter, the Liberals have 'money to play with,' but they can't afford to waste it on ineffective
- With another $3.32-million in the bank this quarter, the Liberals have 'money to play with,' but they can't afford to waste it on ineffective
- With another $3.32-million in the bank this quarter, the Liberals have 'money to play with,' but they can't afford to waste it on ineffective
- Former Senator Murray Sinclair is being “remembered for an extraordinary life filled with achievements,” including for his dedication to Canada, says Prime Minister Justin
- Former Senator Murray Sinclair is being “remembered for an extraordinary life filled with achievements,” including for his dedication to Canada, says Prime Minister Justin
- Former Senator Murray Sinclair is being “remembered for an extraordinary life filled with achievements,” including for his dedication to Canada, says Prime Minister Justin
- Meanwhile, Andrew Bevan, Marjorie Michel, Azam Ishmael, and Terry Duguid held an election readiness briefing for the national Liberal caucus last week.
- Meanwhile, Andrew Bevan, Marjorie Michel, Azam Ishmael, and Terry Duguid held an election readiness briefing for the national Liberal caucus last week.
- Meanwhile, Andrew Bevan, Marjorie Michel, Azam Ishmael, and Terry Duguid held an election readiness briefing for the national Liberal caucus last week.
- The impasse in Parliament is now in its fourth week as Conservatives continue to demand the feds release unreacted SDTC documents to RCMP.
- The impasse in Parliament is now in its fourth week as Conservatives continue to demand the feds release unreacted SDTC documents to RCMP.
- The impasse in Parliament is now in its fourth week as Conservatives continue to demand the feds release unreacted SDTC documents to RCMP.
- The ruthlessness with which the prime minister dealt with challenges in the past couple of weeks may be a harbinger of the next election
- The ruthlessness with which the prime minister dealt with challenges in the past couple of weeks may be a harbinger of the next election
- The ruthlessness with which the prime minister dealt with challenges in the past couple of weeks may be a harbinger of the next election
- Andrew Bevan, who was appointed to the role on Oct. 13, will provide regular updates to the caucus on election readiness and plans for
- Andrew Bevan, who was appointed to the role on Oct. 13, will provide regular updates to the caucus on election readiness and plans for
- Andrew Bevan, who was appointed to the role on Oct. 13, will provide regular updates to the caucus on election readiness and plans for
- The cardinal rule of politics and governance is presenting a united front to the public. Rubbing their noses in the party’s dirty laundry is

- The cardinal rule of politics and governance is presenting a united front to the public. Rubbing their noses in the party’s dirty laundry is
- The cardinal rule of politics and governance is presenting a united front to the public. Rubbing their noses in the party’s dirty laundry is

- In last week’s palace revolt, there is no heir apparent standing in the wings. Although several candidates are already preparing, including some in cabinet, there
- In last week’s palace revolt, there is no heir apparent standing in the wings. Although several candidates are already preparing, including some in cabinet, there
- In last week’s palace revolt, there is no heir apparent standing in the wings. Although several candidates are already preparing, including some in cabinet, there
- The attempt to oust the PM at caucus was ‘unorganized’ and ‘haphazard’ said ex-Liberal staffer Nick McRoberts, but other forms of pressure must be
- The attempt to oust the PM at caucus was ‘unorganized’ and ‘haphazard’ said ex-Liberal staffer Nick McRoberts, but other forms of pressure must be
- The attempt to oust the PM at caucus was ‘unorganized’ and ‘haphazard’ said ex-Liberal staffer Nick McRoberts, but other forms of pressure must be
- One Liberal MP described the meeting as ‘the first time we've had a caucus meeting where people actually spoke their mind.’
- One Liberal MP described the meeting as ‘the first time we've had a caucus meeting where people actually spoke their mind.’
- One Liberal MP described the meeting as ‘the first time we've had a caucus meeting where people actually spoke their mind.’
- Liberal MPs gathered for a national caucus meeting on Oct. 23 where some called for Prime Minister Justin Trudeau to step down
- Liberal MPs gathered for a national caucus meeting on Oct. 23 where some called for Prime Minister Justin Trudeau to step down
- Liberal MPs gathered for a national caucus meeting on Oct. 23 where some called for Prime Minister Justin Trudeau to step down