Justin Trudeau
- The details of public spending should be public. It is a depressing reality of Canadian democracy today that the terms and conditions of government contracting with third parties are often treated as trade secrets.
- The details of public spending should be public. It is a depressing reality of Canadian democracy today that the terms and conditions of government contracting with third parties are often treated as trade secrets.
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- Prime Minister Justin Trudeau spent without consideration for the public purse, failed to encourage greater unity, and was ineffective in governing.
- Prime Minister Justin Trudeau spent without consideration for the public purse, failed to encourage greater unity, and was ineffective in governing.
- Prime Minister Justin Trudeau spent without consideration for the public purse, failed to encourage greater unity, and was ineffective in governing.
- Prime Minister Justin Trudeau says there is ‘no justification’ for American tariffs on Canadian goods, and vows the country will ‘not back down.’
- Prime Minister Justin Trudeau says there is ‘no justification’ for American tariffs on Canadian goods, and vows the country will ‘not back down.’
- Prime Minister Justin Trudeau says there is ‘no justification’ for American tariffs on Canadian goods, and vows the country will ‘not back down.’
- Liberal leadership candidates faced off in battleground Montreal near the epicentre of their September byelection loss.

- Liberal leadership candidates faced off in battleground Montreal near the epicentre of their September byelection loss.
- Liberal leadership candidates faced off in battleground Montreal near the epicentre of their September byelection loss.

- Canada’s and Europe’s leaders are trying to rewrite the framework of power to open the way for an end to Russia’s murderous attack on
- Canada’s and Europe’s leaders are trying to rewrite the framework of power to open the way for an end to Russia’s murderous attack on
- Canada’s and Europe’s leaders are trying to rewrite the framework of power to open the way for an end to Russia’s murderous attack on
- The tumult of Donald Trump’s first few weeks in office have underscored the wisdom of being strategic about which defence needs Canada should source
- The tumult of Donald Trump’s first few weeks in office have underscored the wisdom of being strategic about which defence needs Canada should source
- The tumult of Donald Trump’s first few weeks in office have underscored the wisdom of being strategic about which defence needs Canada should source
- As long as Justin Trudeau's around, the Conservatives are on the cusp of returning to power. But should the prime minister exit, it could be
- As long as Justin Trudeau's around, the Conservatives are on the cusp of returning to power. But should the prime minister exit, it could be
- As long as Justin Trudeau's around, the Conservatives are on the cusp of returning to power. But should the prime minister exit, it could be
- There’s a lot of chattering going on within the Liberal Party about Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s future plans and they all expect a decision
- There’s a lot of chattering going on within the Liberal Party about Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s future plans and they all expect a decision
- There’s a lot of chattering going on within the Liberal Party about Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s future plans and they all expect a decision
- Because of diversity in the caucus and party base, the Liberals are facing a sharper divide on the Israel-Hamas conflict compared to other federal

- Because of diversity in the caucus and party base, the Liberals are facing a sharper divide on the Israel-Hamas conflict compared to other federal
- Because of diversity in the caucus and party base, the Liberals are facing a sharper divide on the Israel-Hamas conflict compared to other federal

- Twenty-three Liberal MPs, including six parliamentary secretaries, signed on to a letter calling for the Canadian government to advocate for the a ceasefire in
- Twenty-three Liberal MPs, including six parliamentary secretaries, signed on to a letter calling for the Canadian government to advocate for the a ceasefire in
- Twenty-three Liberal MPs, including six parliamentary secretaries, signed on to a letter calling for the Canadian government to advocate for the a ceasefire in
- Times like these require smart, wise, experienced, and attuned leadership, which the various political players are delivering. Let's hope it can be sustained.
- Times like these require smart, wise, experienced, and attuned leadership, which the various political players are delivering. Let's hope it can be sustained.
- Times like these require smart, wise, experienced, and attuned leadership, which the various political players are delivering. Let's hope it can be sustained.
- The prime minister has time to turn things around, most likely by leading to his strengths and shoring up his weaknesses.
- The prime minister has time to turn things around, most likely by leading to his strengths and shoring up his weaknesses.
- The prime minister has time to turn things around, most likely by leading to his strengths and shoring up his weaknesses.
- The Liberals are dropping in public opinion, but want to be the second fourth-term government since Sir Wilfrid Laurier. And 'that's a very big

- The Liberals are dropping in public opinion, but want to be the second fourth-term government since Sir Wilfrid Laurier. And 'that's a very big
- The Liberals are dropping in public opinion, but want to be the second fourth-term government since Sir Wilfrid Laurier. And 'that's a very big

- Last week’s revelation of a former Nazi soldier getting a standing ovation in the House was the final nail in the coffin of a

- Last week’s revelation of a former Nazi soldier getting a standing ovation in the House was the final nail in the coffin of a
- Last week’s revelation of a former Nazi soldier getting a standing ovation in the House was the final nail in the coffin of a

- The prime minister has the most obvious problems, but that doesn't mean the Tory and NDP leaders don't have their work cut out for
- The prime minister has the most obvious problems, but that doesn't mean the Tory and NDP leaders don't have their work cut out for
- The prime minister has the most obvious problems, but that doesn't mean the Tory and NDP leaders don't have their work cut out for
- The meeting between the wider caucus and the prime minister was scheduled to last 30 minutes, but went on for two hours, according to
- The meeting between the wider caucus and the prime minister was scheduled to last 30 minutes, but went on for two hours, according to
- The meeting between the wider caucus and the prime minister was scheduled to last 30 minutes, but went on for two hours, according to
- Beset by sinking polls, caucus pushback, and preening Tories, there are signs the Trudeau brain trust is finally striking back, but in such an
- Beset by sinking polls, caucus pushback, and preening Tories, there are signs the Trudeau brain trust is finally striking back, but in such an
- Beset by sinking polls, caucus pushback, and preening Tories, there are signs the Trudeau brain trust is finally striking back, but in such an
- The prime minister and his team would be well-advised to heed the 'nervous Nellies' in the caucus. Caucus members are like the canaries in the

- The prime minister and his team would be well-advised to heed the 'nervous Nellies' in the caucus. Caucus members are like the canaries in the
- The prime minister and his team would be well-advised to heed the 'nervous Nellies' in the caucus. Caucus members are like the canaries in the