Justin Trudeau
- Prime Minister Justin Trudeau spent without consideration for the public purse, failed to encourage greater unity, and was ineffective in governing.
- Prime Minister Justin Trudeau spent without consideration for the public purse, failed to encourage greater unity, and was ineffective in governing.
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- Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is intent on wrapping up his political career in the same manner he spent it—promising, but not delivering, but still

- Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is intent on wrapping up his political career in the same manner he spent it—promising, but not delivering, but still
- Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is intent on wrapping up his political career in the same manner he spent it—promising, but not delivering, but still

- Heritage Minister Pascale St-Onge says it's important to complete her mandate, but Carleton journalism professor Chris Waddell says he's ‘not sure this will survive
- Heritage Minister Pascale St-Onge says it's important to complete her mandate, but Carleton journalism professor Chris Waddell says he's ‘not sure this will survive
- Heritage Minister Pascale St-Onge says it's important to complete her mandate, but Carleton journalism professor Chris Waddell says he's ‘not sure this will survive
- Former Canadian diplomat Colin Robertson says the world is returning to a ‘darker age for small- and medium-sized powers like Canada’ as Donald Trump
- Former Canadian diplomat Colin Robertson says the world is returning to a ‘darker age for small- and medium-sized powers like Canada’ as Donald Trump
- Former Canadian diplomat Colin Robertson says the world is returning to a ‘darker age for small- and medium-sized powers like Canada’ as Donald Trump
- International affairs professor Michael Manulak says world leaders are holding back comment so far because they're ‘unsure about how serious to take the 51st-state

- International affairs professor Michael Manulak says world leaders are holding back comment so far because they're ‘unsure about how serious to take the 51st-state
- International affairs professor Michael Manulak says world leaders are holding back comment so far because they're ‘unsure about how serious to take the 51st-state

- Those on the ‘wrong side’ of the debate have been vilified, while those promoting Canada are suddenly in vogue.

- Those on the ‘wrong side’ of the debate have been vilified, while those promoting Canada are suddenly in vogue.
- Those on the ‘wrong side’ of the debate have been vilified, while those promoting Canada are suddenly in vogue.

- Pierre Poilievre’s usual modus operandi is to take a page from Donald Trump 1.0: the country is going to hell in a handbasket, and
- Pierre Poilievre’s usual modus operandi is to take a page from Donald Trump 1.0: the country is going to hell in a handbasket, and
- Pierre Poilievre’s usual modus operandi is to take a page from Donald Trump 1.0: the country is going to hell in a handbasket, and
- If a Conservative Party supporter gets the idea that all the polls are showing his leader is going to win the next election, he’d
- If a Conservative Party supporter gets the idea that all the polls are showing his leader is going to win the next election, he’d
- If a Conservative Party supporter gets the idea that all the polls are showing his leader is going to win the next election, he’d
- A heavy reliance on wedge issues, a poor record of passing laws of substance, and a weak stance on the Israel-Hamas conflict all make
- A heavy reliance on wedge issues, a poor record of passing laws of substance, and a weak stance on the Israel-Hamas conflict all make
- A heavy reliance on wedge issues, a poor record of passing laws of substance, and a weak stance on the Israel-Hamas conflict all make
- In all recent prime ministerial resignations, the aftermath lasted longer than the time in office, solidifying legacies with either a whiff of success or
- In all recent prime ministerial resignations, the aftermath lasted longer than the time in office, solidifying legacies with either a whiff of success or
- In all recent prime ministerial resignations, the aftermath lasted longer than the time in office, solidifying legacies with either a whiff of success or
- There is an impetuous push to see the back end of the man who has led the country for eight—often turbulent—years, including through the

- There is an impetuous push to see the back end of the man who has led the country for eight—often turbulent—years, including through the
- There is an impetuous push to see the back end of the man who has led the country for eight—often turbulent—years, including through the

- If Justin Trudeau wants to keep smiling, his people have to start fighting back on all the negativity that is currently emanating from Ottawa.
- If Justin Trudeau wants to keep smiling, his people have to start fighting back on all the negativity that is currently emanating from Ottawa.
- If Justin Trudeau wants to keep smiling, his people have to start fighting back on all the negativity that is currently emanating from Ottawa.
- One thing that's clear is if Prime Minister Justin Trudeau wants to successfully run again, he will have to make a compelling case why
- One thing that's clear is if Prime Minister Justin Trudeau wants to successfully run again, he will have to make a compelling case why
- One thing that's clear is if Prime Minister Justin Trudeau wants to successfully run again, he will have to make a compelling case why
- As long as Justin Trudeau's around, the Conservatives are on the cusp of returning to power. But should the prime minister exit, it could be
- As long as Justin Trudeau's around, the Conservatives are on the cusp of returning to power. But should the prime minister exit, it could be
- As long as Justin Trudeau's around, the Conservatives are on the cusp of returning to power. But should the prime minister exit, it could be
- There’s a lot of chattering going on within the Liberal Party about Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s future plans and they all expect a decision
- There’s a lot of chattering going on within the Liberal Party about Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s future plans and they all expect a decision
- There’s a lot of chattering going on within the Liberal Party about Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s future plans and they all expect a decision
- Because of diversity in the caucus and party base, the Liberals are facing a sharper divide on the Israel-Hamas conflict compared to other federal

- Because of diversity in the caucus and party base, the Liberals are facing a sharper divide on the Israel-Hamas conflict compared to other federal
- Because of diversity in the caucus and party base, the Liberals are facing a sharper divide on the Israel-Hamas conflict compared to other federal

- Twenty-three Liberal MPs, including six parliamentary secretaries, signed on to a letter calling for the Canadian government to advocate for the a ceasefire in
- Twenty-three Liberal MPs, including six parliamentary secretaries, signed on to a letter calling for the Canadian government to advocate for the a ceasefire in
- Twenty-three Liberal MPs, including six parliamentary secretaries, signed on to a letter calling for the Canadian government to advocate for the a ceasefire in
- Times like these require smart, wise, experienced, and attuned leadership, which the various political players are delivering. Let's hope it can be sustained.
- Times like these require smart, wise, experienced, and attuned leadership, which the various political players are delivering. Let's hope it can be sustained.
- Times like these require smart, wise, experienced, and attuned leadership, which the various political players are delivering. Let's hope it can be sustained.