
- The federal government can enhance funding to the Medical Council of Canada to asses foreign doctors, and provinces can boost investment to increase their output of graduating physicians.
- The federal government can enhance funding to the Medical Council of Canada to asses foreign doctors, and provinces can boost investment to increase their output of graduating physicians.
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- As the House rises for 2024, Liberal backbenchers get their turn in the spotlight following the fallout from Chrystia Freeland’s cabinet resignation.

- As the House rises for 2024, Liberal backbenchers get their turn in the spotlight following the fallout from Chrystia Freeland’s cabinet resignation.
- As the House rises for 2024, Liberal backbenchers get their turn in the spotlight following the fallout from Chrystia Freeland’s cabinet resignation.

- The results of The Hill Times’ 2024 year-end poll are in. Liberal MP Sean Fraser scores a hat trick and takes the ‘Most Valuable
- The results of The Hill Times’ 2024 year-end poll are in. Liberal MP Sean Fraser scores a hat trick and takes the ‘Most Valuable
- The results of The Hill Times’ 2024 year-end poll are in. Liberal MP Sean Fraser scores a hat trick and takes the ‘Most Valuable
- Canada would be better served by refocusing the conversation on how we are going to realize the potential of the immigrants who are already
- Canada would be better served by refocusing the conversation on how we are going to realize the potential of the immigrants who are already
- Canada would be better served by refocusing the conversation on how we are going to realize the potential of the immigrants who are already
- Immigration consultants are gaming the system. It's time for Ottawa to change the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act so that only lawyers in good

- Immigration consultants are gaming the system. It's time for Ottawa to change the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act so that only lawyers in good
- Immigration consultants are gaming the system. It's time for Ottawa to change the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act so that only lawyers in good

- Treasury Board President Anita Anand says she’s currently reviewing spending plans from her cabinet colleagues. But NDP MP Rachel Blaney said it's 'really important'
- Treasury Board President Anita Anand says she’s currently reviewing spending plans from her cabinet colleagues. But NDP MP Rachel Blaney said it's 'really important'
- Treasury Board President Anita Anand says she’s currently reviewing spending plans from her cabinet colleagues. But NDP MP Rachel Blaney said it's 'really important'
- Canada’s refugee system is ill prepared to handle the surge in irregular border crossers arriving from south of the border, which has led to
- Canada’s refugee system is ill prepared to handle the surge in irregular border crossers arriving from south of the border, which has led to
- Canada’s refugee system is ill prepared to handle the surge in irregular border crossers arriving from south of the border, which has led to
- The Liberals’ omnibus budget bill gives the government a political tool to stop issuing some visas or permits to people from countries it deems
- The Liberals’ omnibus budget bill gives the government a political tool to stop issuing some visas or permits to people from countries it deems
- The Liberals’ omnibus budget bill gives the government a political tool to stop issuing some visas or permits to people from countries it deems
- Alan Kurdi. In case this name has escaped from memory over the past few years, surely the image has not; he was the “boy
- Alan Kurdi. In case this name has escaped from memory over the past few years, surely the image has not; he was the “boy
- Alan Kurdi. In case this name has escaped from memory over the past few years, surely the image has not; he was the “boy
- Only one government employee has had their security clearance revoked since 2016, though there have been nearly 20,000 instances of sensitive documents being mishandled

- Only one government employee has had their security clearance revoked since 2016, though there have been nearly 20,000 instances of sensitive documents being mishandled
- Only one government employee has had their security clearance revoked since 2016, though there have been nearly 20,000 instances of sensitive documents being mishandled

- OTTAWA—The 2019 federal election is one where the issue of immigration will feature prominently both with open debate and, unfortunately, a slew of coded

- OTTAWA—The 2019 federal election is one where the issue of immigration will feature prominently both with open debate and, unfortunately, a slew of coded
- OTTAWA—The 2019 federal election is one where the issue of immigration will feature prominently both with open debate and, unfortunately, a slew of coded

- Anyone who is mesmerized about the apparent rise of racism in Canada needs to get out of their undoubtedly white bubble. The headline-grabbing Ekos
- Anyone who is mesmerized about the apparent rise of racism in Canada needs to get out of their undoubtedly white bubble. The headline-grabbing Ekos
- Anyone who is mesmerized about the apparent rise of racism in Canada needs to get out of their undoubtedly white bubble. The headline-grabbing Ekos
- The Liberal government’s move to toughen up the refugee system is a signal to voters that fairness is the party’s priority when it comes
- The Liberal government’s move to toughen up the refugee system is a signal to voters that fairness is the party’s priority when it comes
- The Liberal government’s move to toughen up the refugee system is a signal to voters that fairness is the party’s priority when it comes
- Re: “Irish refugees overcame intolerance in Canada,” (The Hill Times, March 18, p. 8). While Joseph Donnelly’s dispiriting chronicle of his mid-19th-century Irish migrant ancestors
Opinion | March 27, 2019
Opinion | March 27, 2019
- Re: “Irish refugees overcame intolerance in Canada,” (The Hill Times, March 18, p. 8). While Joseph Donnelly’s dispiriting chronicle of his mid-19th-century Irish migrant ancestors
Opinion | March 27, 2019
- Re: “Irish refugees overcame intolerance in Canada,” (The Hill Times, March 18, p. 8). While Joseph Donnelly’s dispiriting chronicle of his mid-19th-century Irish migrant ancestors
- I recently returned from a humanitarian mission in Venezuela. I witnessed an entire people’s survival being instrumentalized for political aims. Food and medicine have
- I recently returned from a humanitarian mission in Venezuela. I witnessed an entire people’s survival being instrumentalized for political aims. Food and medicine have
- I recently returned from a humanitarian mission in Venezuela. I witnessed an entire people’s survival being instrumentalized for political aims. Food and medicine have
- OTTAWA—The death toll from the white supremacist terrorist attack on Muslims in New Zealand had only just risen on the weekend when United States
- OTTAWA—The death toll from the white supremacist terrorist attack on Muslims in New Zealand had only just risen on the weekend when United States
- OTTAWA—The death toll from the white supremacist terrorist attack on Muslims in New Zealand had only just risen on the weekend when United States
- Last week Conservatives on the House Immigration and Citizenship Committee brought forward a motion calling for the examination of Yazidi family reunification in Canada.
- Last week Conservatives on the House Immigration and Citizenship Committee brought forward a motion calling for the examination of Yazidi family reunification in Canada.
- Last week Conservatives on the House Immigration and Citizenship Committee brought forward a motion calling for the examination of Yazidi family reunification in Canada.
- When Pakistan’s top court acquitted a Christian woman who spent eight years in jail on blasphemy charges, it was a “watershed moment” in the
- When Pakistan’s top court acquitted a Christian woman who spent eight years in jail on blasphemy charges, it was a “watershed moment” in the
- When Pakistan’s top court acquitted a Christian woman who spent eight years in jail on blasphemy charges, it was a “watershed moment” in the