Thursday, December 19, 2024
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Thursday, December 19, 2024 | Latest Paper

Trevor Hancock, Richard van der Jagt, Chris Buse, and Meg Sears

Dr. Trevor Hancock is a retired professor and senior scholar at the school of public health and social policy at the University of Victoria, B.C. Dr. Richard van der Jagt is an adjunct professor of medicine at the University of Ottawa. Dr. Chris Buse is an assistant professor, faculty of health sciences at Simon Fraser University in British Columbia. Dr. Meg Sears is a senior research associate at the Ottawa Hospital Research Institute and chair of Prevent Cancer Now.

Canada needs a research institute on environment, health, and well-being

Health Minister Jean-Yves Duclos, pictured. Canada needs a CIHR Institute on Environments and Health to fund research to assess these threats and to develop solutions. Our response needs to be broader and more holistic, write Trevor Hancock, Richard van der Jagt, Chris Buse, and Meg Sears. The Hill Times photograph by Andrew Meade
Health Minister Jean-Yves Duclos, pictured. Canada needs a CIHR Institute on Environments and Health to fund research to assess these threats and to develop solutions. Our response needs to be broader and more holistic, write Trevor Hancock, Richard van der Jagt, Chris Buse, and Meg Sears. The Hill Times photograph by Andrew Meade