Sunday, March 9, 2025

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Sunday, March 9, 2025 | Latest Paper

Sean Speer

Sean Speer is a Senior Fellow at the Macdonald-Laurier Institute. He previously served in different roles for the federal government including as senior economic adviser to the prime minister and director of policy to the Finance minister.

Opinion | BY SEAN SPEER | December 9, 2019
Ontario Premier Doug Ford, pictured on Nov. 21, 2019, in Ottawa. The Hill Times photograph by Andrew Meade
Opinion | BY SEAN SPEER | December 9, 2019
Opinion | BY SEAN SPEER | December 9, 2019
Ontario Premier Doug Ford, pictured on Nov. 21, 2019, in Ottawa. The Hill Times photograph by Andrew Meade
Opinion | BY SEAN SPEER | November 14, 2018
A single-payer pharmacare scheme would disrupt coverage for the 77 per cent of the population generally satisfied with the status quo, argues Sean Speer. Photograph courtesy of Victor Casale
Opinion | BY SEAN SPEER | November 14, 2018
Opinion | BY SEAN SPEER | November 14, 2018
A single-payer pharmacare scheme would disrupt coverage for the 77 per cent of the population generally satisfied with the status quo, argues Sean Speer. Photograph courtesy of Victor Casale
Opinion | BY SEAN SPEER, DANIEL MAHONEY | July 17, 2017
Prime Minister Justin Trudeau speaks with U.K. UK British Prime Minister Theresa May during the G7 in Taormina, Italy, in May 2017. PMO staffers Katie Telford and Gerry Butts are seen on the left. PMO photograph by Adam Scotti
Opinion | BY SEAN SPEER, DANIEL MAHONEY | July 17, 2017
Opinion | BY SEAN SPEER, DANIEL MAHONEY | July 17, 2017
Prime Minister Justin Trudeau speaks with U.K. UK British Prime Minister Theresa May during the G7 in Taormina, Italy, in May 2017. PMO staffers Katie Telford and Gerry Butts are seen on the left. PMO photograph by Adam Scotti
Opinion | BY SEAN SPEER, IAN LEE | March 1, 2016
Finance Minister Bill Morneau will deliver the Liberal government's first budget on March 22. The Hill Times photograph by Jake Wright
Opinion | BY SEAN SPEER, IAN LEE | March 1, 2016
Opinion | BY SEAN SPEER, IAN LEE | March 1, 2016
Finance Minister Bill Morneau will deliver the Liberal government's first budget on March 22. The Hill Times photograph by Jake Wright
Opinion | BY PHILIP CROSS, SEAN SPEER | January 13, 2016
Finance Minister Bill Morneau is conducting pre-budget consultations across the country. 'The underlying assumptions behind the government’s support for a CPP expansion have not been fully fleshed out,' write Philip Cross and Sean Speer. The Hill Times photograph by Jake Wright
Opinion | BY PHILIP CROSS, SEAN SPEER | January 13, 2016
Opinion | BY PHILIP CROSS, SEAN SPEER | January 13, 2016
Finance Minister Bill Morneau is conducting pre-budget consultations across the country. 'The underlying assumptions behind the government’s support for a CPP expansion have not been fully fleshed out,' write Philip Cross and Sean Speer. The Hill Times photograph by Jake Wright