Tuesday, March 11, 2025

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Tuesday, March 11, 2025 | Latest Paper

Jatin Nathwani

Jatin Nathwani is the founding executive director of the Waterloo Institute for Sustainable Energy, and he holds the Ontario Research Chair in Public Policy for Sustainable Energy at the University of Waterloo.

Opinion | BY JATIN NATHWANI | June 4, 2021
The Boeri Studio building is a vertical forest, designed by Stefano Boeri, Gaianandrea Barreca, and Giovanni La Varra, and located in Milan, Italy. Photograph courtesy of Flickr
Opinion | BY JATIN NATHWANI | June 4, 2021
Opinion | BY JATIN NATHWANI | June 4, 2021
The Boeri Studio building is a vertical forest, designed by Stefano Boeri, Gaianandrea Barreca, and Giovanni La Varra, and located in Milan, Italy. Photograph courtesy of Flickr
Opinion | BY JATIN NATHWANI | June 8, 2020
An interconnected world, enabled by smart sensors, devices and data is one healing option for a sustainable environment. Photograph courtesy of Pixabay
Opinion | BY JATIN NATHWANI | June 8, 2020
Opinion | BY JATIN NATHWANI | June 8, 2020
An interconnected world, enabled by smart sensors, devices and data is one healing option for a sustainable environment. Photograph courtesy of Pixabay
Opinion | BY JATIN NATHWANI | April 20, 2020
In the tragedy of COVID-19, there is a sliver of hope that we could effect a clean energy transition for the long term. Possibility exists now to turn this hiatus of trust and co-operation into a unique opportunity to redefine the role of fossil fuels and its contributions to our national economic output. The time has come for Canadians to demand that our leaders take the climate threat as seriously as the virus and use the existing fiscal capacity to engage public and private capital to finance a low carbon energy economy. This requires fresh thinking and bold actions. The Hill Times photograph by Jake Wright
Opinion | BY JATIN NATHWANI | April 20, 2020
Opinion | BY JATIN NATHWANI | April 20, 2020
In the tragedy of COVID-19, there is a sliver of hope that we could effect a clean energy transition for the long term. Possibility exists now to turn this hiatus of trust and co-operation into a unique opportunity to redefine the role of fossil fuels and its contributions to our national economic output. The time has come for Canadians to demand that our leaders take the climate threat as seriously as the virus and use the existing fiscal capacity to engage public and private capital to finance a low carbon energy economy. This requires fresh thinking and bold actions. The Hill Times photograph by Jake Wright
Opinion | BY JATIN NATHWANI | March 30, 2020
The oilsands in Fort McMurray, Alta. The Government of Canada is in the midst of preparing a multi-billion-dollar bailout of the oil and gas industry. Herein lies a historic opportunity for Canada’s oil and gas sector to craft a new future that aligns with Canada’s aspiration to lower greenhouse gas emissions and yet ensure transformation of the sector that is orderly, supportive of workers and the social needs of communities dependent on the sector, writes Jatin Nathwani. The Hill Times photograph by Jake Wright
Opinion | BY JATIN NATHWANI | March 30, 2020
Opinion | BY JATIN NATHWANI | March 30, 2020
The oilsands in Fort McMurray, Alta. The Government of Canada is in the midst of preparing a multi-billion-dollar bailout of the oil and gas industry. Herein lies a historic opportunity for Canada’s oil and gas sector to craft a new future that aligns with Canada’s aspiration to lower greenhouse gas emissions and yet ensure transformation of the sector that is orderly, supportive of workers and the social needs of communities dependent on the sector, writes Jatin Nathwani. The Hill Times photograph by Jake Wright
Opinion | BY JATIN NATHWANI | March 11, 2020
Jatin Nathwani asks: Is it not also about time for the reigning politicians to come to the realization that development of new of oil sands projects is a fool’s errand? Photograph courtesy of Pixabay
Opinion | BY JATIN NATHWANI | March 11, 2020
Opinion | BY JATIN NATHWANI | March 11, 2020
Jatin Nathwani asks: Is it not also about time for the reigning politicians to come to the realization that development of new of oil sands projects is a fool’s errand? Photograph courtesy of Pixabay
Opinion | BY JATIN NATHWANI | December 2, 2019
Recall history. Oil was discovered in Ontario in 1865. Today, oil extraction in Ontario is no longer of any economic significance and, yet, Ontario continues to thrive. There is no reason to assume that a different economic future for Alberta or Saskatchewan is not possible. The Hill Times photograhh by Andrew Meade
Opinion | BY JATIN NATHWANI | December 2, 2019
Opinion | BY JATIN NATHWANI | December 2, 2019
Recall history. Oil was discovered in Ontario in 1865. Today, oil extraction in Ontario is no longer of any economic significance and, yet, Ontario continues to thrive. There is no reason to assume that a different economic future for Alberta or Saskatchewan is not possible. The Hill Times photograhh by Andrew Meade
Opinion | BY JATIN NATHWANI | October 29, 2018
The key requirement for success is our collective acceptance that we have an obligation to fix the global climate problem, and that to achieve this a small levy on current consumption will be necessary, writes Jatin Nathwani. The Hill Times file photograph
Opinion | BY JATIN NATHWANI | October 29, 2018
Opinion | BY JATIN NATHWANI | October 29, 2018
The key requirement for success is our collective acceptance that we have an obligation to fix the global climate problem, and that to achieve this a small levy on current consumption will be necessary, writes Jatin Nathwani. The Hill Times file photograph