Sunday, December 22, 2024
Canada’s Politics and Government News Source Since 1989
Sunday, December 22, 2024 | Latest Paper

Bob Klager

Serving on the board of directors of Parkinson Canada since 2022, Bob Klager is a respected executive with deep public policy, government, and communications expertise. He has worked with governments, private-sector, and non-profit organizations domestically and internationally—with particular experience in public affairs, issues management and strategic planning for major public policy initiatives. A former senior adviser to a Canadian prime minister and chief of staff to two federal cabinet ministers, Bob began his career as an investigative journalist.

Parkinson’s has no cure, but the government can take steps to improve patients’ quality of life

Opinion | BY BOB KLAGER | October 23, 2023
While Parkinson's is known for its movement-related symptoms, non-movement symptoms such as anxiety and depression, sleep issues, thinking problems, and dementia can also occur. Photograph courtesy of Annick Vanblaere/Pixabay
Opinion | BY BOB KLAGER | October 23, 2023
Opinion | BY BOB KLAGER | October 23, 2023
While Parkinson's is known for its movement-related symptoms, non-movement symptoms such as anxiety and depression, sleep issues, thinking problems, and dementia can also occur. Photograph courtesy of Annick Vanblaere/Pixabay